dupa cum se poate vedea pe coperta single-ului The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg se poate citi in romaneste, "Aici zace un om despre care nu se stie prea mult". Identitatea lui Breeg a ramas un mister, a fost un site in perioada de promovare a albumului A Matter of Life and Death din care face parte (2006), versurile sunt destul de obscure, "let me tell you about my life", iar coperta are o analogie cu cea de la Live after Death si Bring Me your daughter, tot morminte, tot dezgropare.
Iata ce
zice wikipedia referitor la Breeg:
website throughout July and August 2006. The final chapter began "The person who contacted me from Romania is coming to meet me. I feel that his arrival will finally give me the answers I seek regarding Benjamin Breeg" but ended on a cliffhanger which teasingly provided no answers. This final installment coincided with the release date of the single.>> Now taht's a story I would've asked Bruce in my planned interview.
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