sau cum ar zice mini-mi; Assome, A-ss-o-me...
asta da, film de baietzi...5 year olds, dude !!!!
asta da violentza gratuita...
si inteligenta diabolica de filmmaker.
Kick-Ass e comic book movie-ul perfect, exact opusul vomei gretoase de Iron Man 2 si arogantei lui Downey jr, Big Daddy psihopat Nic Cage (Adam West meets the The Phantom of Paradise).
I had so much good fun de am iesit dizzy ! High 'n' Dry !
si regizor, da, o fi Matthew Vaughan la al treilea film si o f... Claudia Schiffer desi nu e roman :-), dar s-a dovedit mai bun si mai versatil ca Guy Ritchie, al carui producator a fost. Si kicked ass-u lui Jon Favreau care e un fel de instalator de chiuvete pe linga el.

Ultracool, hip, ironic & iconic, e ceea ce Spider-Man si-a dorit sa fie dar n-a reusit..un Watchmen meets American Splendor/Crumb !
e tarantino si rodriguez nec plus ultra, ruda de-a lui Carnahan (Smoking Aces) dar mai putin redneckish. Ceva umor britanic poate ?
Mark Strong e genial...shades of Last Action Hero (Charles Dance)
Soundtack hip, loud, fun, de la Sparks, la New York Dolls, Primal Scream, Gnars Barkley, Elvis si Prodigy, cu tema cool si cult a lui John Murphy (care cica s-ar numi original "In the House - in a Heartbeat" si a aparut in 28 Days Later, Sunshine si Miami Vice...aici se numeste STROBE. a, si omnireferentialul Morricone din Pentru citiva dolari in plus,
shit, si am vrut sa pun filmul in topul hbo de cele mai asteptate filme ale anului (unde ca boul am pus Iron Man 2), dar am sa-l pun in cel de cele mai bune benzi desenate facute film, my next top 4 them...

cronici cool, numai Ebert n-a inteles filmul. Dar nah, e de inteles de ce. Si asa au facut git toate ligile din USA ca o fetita de 11 ani e batuta, torturata, impuscata si face the, what , can u see the news ? Bunul samaritean injunghiat in NY si 2 ore nimeni nu s-a oprit sa se uite la el ??? How many hits on the net ?

Kick-Ass moves with such bloody assurance that you'd be forgiven for not seeing how smart it is. But smart it is. Smart, important and deadly.Richard Corliss-Time (90%)
ridiculously entertaining, perfectly paced, ultra-violent cinematic rush that kicks the places other movies struggle to reach.Chris Hewitt-Empire (100%)
best said BY;
A brutally funny deconstruction, a hybrid of “Watchmen” and “Superbad” filtered through John Woo. It’s a boisterously original piece of entertainment . . . that isn’t for everyone. Note the rating, which should be triple-R, as in Really, Remarkably R.Kyle Smith New York Post
Irresponsible, morally murky, and batshit insane--in other words, Kick-Ass might be the most fun two hours you’ll spend in a movie theater.
Nick Starkey Premiere
Kick-Ass is a rabid puppy of a movie, energetically bounding off the screen and into your lap, where it proceeds to chew off your face.
Steve Persall St. Petersburg Times
Kick-Ass is a compendium of all sleazy things, and it sings like a siren to our inner Tarantinos.
David Edelstein New York Magazine

clar, unul din cele mai cool filme ale anului, super-hero movie of the year
& one of the best comic book adaptations yet...
4 1/2 din 5, 9 din 10
pps: Kick-ASs 2 in 2012 ! dont fuck it up with any PG !

nice review ... nu ma asteptam sa gasesc un site romanesc pe IMDB :)
RăspundețiȘtergereThey won't fuck up the sequel. Vaughn a zis ca indiferent de ce studio se va afla in spatele sau la al doilea film daca nu va avea full control nu va semna contractul.