e nasol ca ne-am schimbat gusturrile (editorial we), si Keef si Lemmy sunt in continuare pe Jack D. pentru ca nu s-au lasat de fumat. Eu m-am lasat asa ca vinul roshu sau vodka -white knight, mitt eiss, r ok.
la extremis jack (which was my best friend-o few years back), sau da, un coniac, sau un single malt. prefer un Irish unui Scotch,
am primit cartea lui Keef direct dela NY (thanks man, mench, dude) ! I dont even need to read it. It's enough i have it on my bed. The influence is clear, I'm drinking and writing :-).
It’s not only the high quality of drugs I had that I attribute my survival to. I was very meticulous about how much I took. I’d never put more in to get a little higher. That’s where most people fuck up on drugs. It’s the greed involved that never really affected me.
(KeeF !)

I'm calling Leon Russell 2 show him pics of Axl Rose :->
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