gone, gone. Jesus, A song for You, pe Leon Russell il iubeam in mod special.
Tightrope. Si am vrut sa ma duc sa il vad, la Paris in 2012, sau ceva genul. Should have done it. And I would've felt a bit better now. Or worse :(
So long, Leon.
comebackul din 2010, (v. blog: Meeting of the Year), datorat lui Elton John, al carui mentor a fost, THE UNION, a fost albumul meu preferat al acelui an.
Si de atunci incoace am facut prozeliti cu albumul, si piesa If it Wasn't For bad It'll Be Good. Yokko should know ;)
v. LMA in 2013 cu: It takes a lot to Laugh, It takes a Train to Cry :(
My darling Leon Russell passed away last night. He was a mentor, inspiration & so kind to me. I loved him and always will #LeonRussell #RIP

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