great imdb comment (spoilers)
Its an existentialist film. Its not the plot which is important, rather than the effect of the plot on the main protagonist Harry Moseby. The Night Moves which Harry can't see in the dark and the Knight Moves on the chess board of Harry's life, of two moves to the front and one to the side, are key to the film. This is a story about a man who is moving forward, but at vital moments in the story, he is either metaphorically or actually looking to the side and missing a vital bit of information. It begins with Private Dick Harry discovering his wife has been having an affair under his nose. This pre-occupies him for the rest of the film, to the point near the end when the Edward Binns character actually tells Harry to his face that he is responsible/guilty, but Harry at that moment and as always is not paying attention. Harry must be the worst detective in the history of the cinema. No wonder he ends up dying in the boat called "The Point Of View" going around in circles and not understanding anything. His point of view has been wrong all along. Do watch the film again and see how Harry misses everything. The idea IS a wonderful concept for a film and where Penn makes it work a treat, is that along with Harry, the audience joins him in his predicament.
the POV-so cit priveste finalul (spoilers)
one interview in which Arthur Penn was asked whether Moseby survived at the end, he said was that the intended interpretation was that Moseby was eventually rescued and he survived. But he would just drift on aimlessly in life as he did before. (Thus you have the last image of the boat going in a circle).

puncte de interes: Melanie Griffith teenagera si nuda in ceea ce e debutul ei (intersant apioi apare in at film detectiv, The Drowning Pool, sau Harper 2), James Woods batut si cascade cu avioane si rime frantuzesti de la Eric Rohmer si
a nuit cu maud, la muzica clasica cu vin rouge pe making love cu Harris Yulin (!), un pic de Kennenth Mars si muzica jazzy tv de Michael Small, dialoguri greu inteligibile (cel putin pe soundtrackul acestui dvd) de Alan Sharp
o cronica interesanta care-l ridica in slavi pe Hackman si-i ingroapa pe Penn si pe dopul Bruce Surtees aici
dvd (Warner): nimic macar trailer pe dvd si nici subtitluri decit in germana (cu titlul Die Heisse Spur) ! dvdul american are si Trailer, si un featurette de 9 minute din epoca intitulat: The Day of the Director
3 1/2 din 5, 7 din 10, mai ales pentru final, altfel muddled existential neonoir,
'7o's deconstructing film as Long Goodbye, The Big Fix

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