racorduri false, 3 D odios (din 2 D surely), un story dezlinat si debil care nu poate fi urmarit !!!, dar e ceva care merge totushi…prostia, e de mii de ori mai inofensiv ca Transformers dar e facut cu prea mult greed pentru bani, de relansare. E deceptia anului in mina Millennium-lului plus Furla, la fel ca The Expendables anul trecut.
Si ma asteptam la mai mult de la Marcus Niespel (Pathfinder, Texas CM). Pe linga Conan, Season of the Witch pare artsy. Si chiar balsy. Si macar nu e 3 D.
Bulgaria nu ajuta, si Stephen Lang e penibil (ce bine e in Public Enemies though, what a fukin movie, yeah!)
Momoa e momiie si Rose Mc G e din Betty Boop si Bride of Frankenstein, efectele sunt de Xena/Hercules, serie tv de sci-fi channel, pina si Clash of the Titans de anul trecut e mai chul. Bravo lui Mickey Rourke ca s-a lasat la vatra (el trebuia sa fie tata luI Conan in locul lui Ron Perlman).
3 din 10/ 1 1/2 din 5

Great fun for critics to take a stab at it:
Its troubles are perhaps encapsulated in the classic pulp motto "I live, I love, I slay, I am content" that Conan intones in the film. In the Howard text, it reads: "I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, I am content." This would seem a small thing, the elision of four words, except that Howard's eloquence (some would say grandiloquence) is lost in that simplification.
W. Chaw Film Freak Central
The 2011 film called Conan the Barbarian seems to have little interest in '30s pulp stories, and only a little more in cheesy '80s epics. It emerges as another figurine in the ongoing retooling of 1980s pop touchstones for know-nothing 2000s consumers, following The Smurfs, Transformers, TRON, The Karate Kid, Clash of the Titans, to name only a few. Producers and promotional media tend to agree that these are not "remakes" or "sequels" but "reboots," but a reboot seems to be nothing more than a remake of the idea of the remake. The only thing that seems different is the illusion of "something new" that's now a mandatory part of the upsell between a dying franchise and its supposed resurrection. That, and the 3D surcharge that nobody seems to be enjoying, unless you look at the grosses.
Slant magazine

better see Ronal the Barbarian .
well, 2 old 4 Conan 3 D, 2 young 2 die
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