*emisiune speciala despre William Finley la MovieGeeksunited (blogtalkradio), cu interviul sau din 2007 (mostly on Brian De Palma) !
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-Edgar Wright, un fan absolut, povesteste aici despre experienta lui uncanny de a-i fi trimis un email exact in ziua mortii...
Dupa cum spune Wright, "I was, and remain, speechless and heartbroken", nu pot decit sa subscriu :(
-iar aseara am revazut Ishtar, cu cintece de Paul Williams !
iata Faust-ul sau din Phantom of the Paradise (celalalt credit muzaical al sau fiind piesa-titlu din Murder a la Mod:
"Old emotions may they rest in peace and dream, dream a bunch of friends
Rest in peace, and dream, dream it never ends"

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