luni, 14 mai 2007

Thank U for smoking !!!

13 mai 2007
Now that I'm gone, I tell you: Don't smoke, whatever you do, just don't smoke."

Yul Brynner

s-a terminat si cu fumatul ca si coolness in filme! Numai recent sa-mi amintesc cit m-a enervat Leonardo Di Caprio care fuma ca turbatul in Blood Diamond sau Nicolas Cage care suda tigari in Las Vegas in Next....adica o sa fie rated R si atunci sa vedem cine vrea sa-si strice sansele ela audienta din cauza asta, totusi film noir sans smoking, ca ne se fait pas, sau ? om vedea.

in Thank You for Smoking (care da tiltul post-ului) v. aici cronica din Ziua, (si care mi-a futat sfirstul la Sands of Iwo Jima, cu the duke's last smoke), lobby-ul producatorilor de tutun est mai mult decit o gluma. Thank U for smoking Hollywood ! si parodia SF. Bogey si Bacall sunt cool, cind el ii da foc la tigara intr-un moment seminal din Somul de veci dar dupa ce si Marlboro Man a facut cancer nu mai e fun. Yul Bryner a fost primul care a facut reclame anti-fumat dupa moarte, pina si denis leary nu se mai da mare. No cure for cancer, dar se poate preveni. O zice si the Duke, John Wayne, care si el facut reclame anti-cancer inainte sa moara. Quit while you can !Credeti-ma pe cuvint, am fumat 23 de ani. De ce ?De prost. Dar cind esti copil, si vezi ca John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Bogart, Jack, the man with no name baga, vrei si tu. Cea mai tare faza, in The Good the Bad and the Ugly, cind Clint ii da sa fumeze soldatului inainte sa moara...emotionant si-ti aprinzi si tu una, din solidaritate.

imdb news 13 mai, curat ghinion 13, o sa se bucure Johnny Depp ca el declara ca i-ar placea sa aibe doua guri, sa poata fuma mai mult....

Smoke in Movies -- Get an "R"

In a rare alteration of its movie ratings system, the MPAA said on Thursday that the panel that assesses Hollywood movies will begin considering "depictions that glamorize smoking or movies that feature pervasive smoking outside of a historic or other mitigating context." Until now, the subjects that movie raters have primarily considered are violence, language, nudity, and drugs. In a statement, MPAA CEO Dan Glickman said, "There is broad awareness of smoking as a unique public health concern due to nicotine's highly addictive nature, and no parent wants their child to take up the habit. ... The appropriate response of the rating system is to give more information to parents on this issue."

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