Artistul rock Steve Vai vine la Cerbul de Aur 2009, anunta A&A Records. El va fi premiat in cadrul festivalului cu un trofeu pentru intreaga sa activitate muzicala.
sau si mai rau:
Festivalul va cuprinde sase seri: Evergreen, Pop, Rock, Finala concursului de interpretare, Gala Laureatilor, Seara Superstar si Hora Satului.
Trupa Hot Chocolate va canta in incheierea primei seri a Cerbului de Aur, iar in seara Superstar vor fi prezenti pe scena chitaristul Steve Vai, Tiziano Ferro si Loredana.
cam nashpa, Steve ! oare o stii ce-l asteapta ?

anyway, great interview with the Man here:
Q:Joe Satriani is doing Chickenfoot, don’t you miss to perform or be in a band again?
SV: I have a band. But if you are referring to a rock band with a lead singer, no. I did that and it was great fun but I have no desire at this time to do it. Maybe in the future, who knows. I went to see Chicken Foot the other night and it was fantastic. Sammy sang great and Joe played his butt off. It was a good ol' rock and roll time and I think they are a good rock n’ roll party band.
Q:If you could do a one-off cover album project, whose songs would you choose?
SV: All Tom Waits.
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