ceea ce imi aminteste de comentariile recente desptre Heavy Metal ale lui Joe Elliot, criticate in Uncut (scrisoarea lunii trecute), sword and dragons ?
An angry fan who was ejected from a recent Def Leppard show in Salt Lake City put on a pyrotechnics show of his own outside the Usana Amphitheater Aug. 25.
The man, who was reportedly intoxicated and spilling beer on other concertgoers, was kicked out of the show but sneaked back in, police told the Salt Lake Tribune.
After he was caught and thrown out a second time, the man proceeded to light a fire in a field near the shed, police said, burning a 30 foot by 50 foot patch in the grass.
comentariul final de pe pollstar e priceless:
He probably went home after the show and beat his wives.
memories of Pyromania probabil, check out Joe's face...

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