marți, 14 aprilie 2009


noua mea trupa preferata ? am auzit acum o oara de ea, cautind vesti de confirmare pentru AC/DC in Romania, ceea ce n-am gasit ! Dar am aflat ca noul supergrup de rock CHICKENFOOT se pregateste de turneu ! Poate pentru altii e oldnews (pagina lor de myspace e din decembrie 2008) dar eu azi am auzit ca Joe Satriani, Chad Smith (fostul tobar de la RHCP)si VH 1 & 2, Michael Anthony si Sammy Hagar se numesc CHickenfoot, scot album in iunie si vin si in Europa ! Asa ca daca n-am apucat si nici n-o sa-i apuc pe van halen, macar un picior de gaina, un Hagar si un Anthony si-l bifez si pe Satch cu ocazia asta ! demo-uri pe myspace !

press release:
The members of Chickenfoot admit that the band came together almost by accident, a result of jams held at Hagar's club, Cabo Wabo Cantina, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

"We were just having fun," recalls Michael Anthony. "After Sammy and I left Van Halen, we'd get together with musicians, and certain people seemed to really gel. Chad came down and we got on well with him. Gradually, we started talking about doing something more serious, but we needed a guitarist. Somebody smokin' - somebody who could take us to the Promised Land."

Enter Satch, who hooked up with Hagar, Anthony and Smith and felt "an immediate connection unlike anything I'd ever experienced before." To Satriani, who had almost abandoned his lifelong dream of being a part of a "big-time rock band," here was his chance, and here were his band mates. "After just a few songs, it became stunningly obvious that we shared an overall musical agenda. The only question was could we make a great album?"

The band answered that question last fall when they hunkered down with the illustrious producer Andy Johns at George Lucas' Skywalker Studios and knocked out a batch of songs that sets a new standard for rock music in the new millennium.

From the thunderous, ominous opening strains of Avenida Revolution (detailing the bloody drug wars in Tijuana, in which Hagar makes his feelings come through his skin) to the album closer, the shimmering rock ballad Future's in the Past, "Chickenfoot" is a firebomb of a record, the likes of which we haven't heard in ages.

The band kicks and snorts their way through a passel of take-no-prisoners rockers like Soap on a Rope, Sexy Little Thing, Oh Yeah and My Kind of Girl.

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