joi, 26 aprilie 2012
Cannes Classics 2012 !
there's many reasons to go to Cannes but this is it for 2012 !
deci, de-a lungul timpului meu(8 editii), asta a fost cel mai bun moment Cannes, la Cannes Classics, cu momente unice (Giu la Testa/Duck You Sucker, Fingers cu James Toback, Corman's World cu Roger Corman si Peter Fonda, Rio Bravo cu Tarantino, Suspiria cu Dario Argento, Portocala mecanica cu Malcolm Mc Dowell, Psycho, Les Yeux Sans Visage, Red Shoes cu Scorsese, Wake up in Fright, El Topo si Santa Sangre cu Jodorowski si...Nick Nolte...)
anul acesta insa Cannes Classics s-a intrecut pe sine:
•The Film Foundation (USA), chaired by Martin Scorsese, will present a restored and reconstructed print of ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA by Sergio Leone (1984, 245'), with 25 minutes of additional scenes, based on the first cut by Sergio Leone in 1984. This restoration was requested by Martin Scorsese.
The screening will be attended by Robert De Niro, Elizabeth McGovern, Jennifer Connelly, producer Arnon Milchan (which also has a small role in the film) and, of course, the Leone family.
•Pathé presents TESS (1979, 171') by Roman Polanski, in a restoration which he himself supervised and was "very impressed" by the laboratory work. Roman Polanski and Nastassja Kinski will be in attendance.
•To celebrate its centenary, the Hollywood studio Universal Pictures will present a restored print this emblematic film in the studio's recent history: JAWS by Steven Spielberg (1975, 124').
•The "Rescue the Hitchcock 9" project was launched by the National Archives of the British Film Institute (London) to save nine of Alfred Hitchcock’s silent films. THE RING (1927, 109') will be screened as a world premiere and a cine-concert with the musician Stephen Horne.
•To mark the 50th anniversary of the production and release of LAWRENCE OF ARABIA by David Lean (1962, 222'), Sony-Columbia have made a new restoration of the film in 4K.
•On the occasion of his presence in Cannes, the festival has asked Andrei Konchalovsky to present RUNAWAY TRAIN (1985, 111').A new print has been struck courtesy of Metro Goldwyn Mayer/Park Circus.
*lista completa de la Cannes Classics aici
no James Bond though :(
miercuri, 25 aprilie 2012
Juriul Cannes 65 !
Le grand Jury de la Competition:
el presidente: Nanni Moretti (Italian director, actor and producer)
Hiam ABBASS (Palestinian director and actress),
Andrea ARNOLD (British director and scriptwriter),
Emmanuelle DEVOS (French actress),
Diane KRUGER (German actress),
Jean Paul GAULTIER (French designer),
Ewan MC GREGOR (British actor),
Alexander PAYNE (American director, scriptwriter and producer)
Raoul PECK (Haitian director, scriptwriter and producer).
competitia Cannes 65 aici
si cea de la Quinzaine des Realisateurs
duminică, 22 aprilie 2012
Jack is 75 ! LMA !
I'm the motherfuckin'shorepatrol, motherfucker !hey but hey (cum zicea Dennis Hopper)!: Jack Nicholson a implinit 75 de ani ! despre el si ziua lui am scris pe blog every year around the clock sub eticheta Jack ! iar ieri ma tot framintam, ca stiam ca e ziua cuiva, dar nu-mi venea, stiam ca e cineva apropiat :) si am revazut The Fortune (1974), despre care am scris in articolul despre filmele lui Jack pe dvd (aparut prima data in altitudini): You don't Know Jack ! and it's getting better all the time ! hey, LMA Jack si sanatate ! Nu stiu daca mai fumezi, but if so...good luck (ca de-aia nu mai aveai voce pe comentariul la Passanger :() Ultimul film al lui Jack (unde apare pret de cam 10 min, hai 15...) a fost How Do You Know ? (cronica mea aici), in 2010, are un proiect in dezvoltare cu Warren Beatty, dar nu stiu daca se va intimpla.... mai deunazi te-am sarba-u-torit la B-est cu Shining, "echipa" B-est 08 iti ureaza la multi ani ! Nick Nick Nick-Indians !
sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2012
Alfred Hitchcock ?
Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock in filmul despre making of-ul la Psycho, regizat de Sacha Gervais (Anvil, The Story of Anvil !).
"Hitchcock" a inceput filmarile saptamina trecuta. Helen Mirren este Alma, nevasta regizorului, Scarlett Johansson este Janet Leigh; James D'Arcy e Anthony Perkins a.k.a. Norman Bates; si Jessica Biel e Vera Miles.. Filmul, produs de Fox Serchlight, iese in 2013.
Take Shelter (2011)
o psiho-drama si un studiu de caz atipic, avindu-l ca protagonist pe unul din cei mai interesanti actori din ultimii ani, care joaca numai personaje deranjante, Michael Shannon (in curind Generalul Zod)>, Take Shelter a avut premiera la Cannes, anul trecut, editia 64, selectat in la Semaine de la Critique, unde a luat Marele premiu, si premiul SACD. A mai primit acolade, la Toronto Vancouver, Zurich, San Diego, etc.
Dar a trecut aproape un an, pina l-am vazut, am tot sperat sa vina intr-o copie pe vreun ecran, la vreun festival la noi, dar n-a fost sa fie. So...
Un bluecollar (citeste proletar, cum la noi nu sunt) rural american are vise, halucinatii si premonitii despre un twister, o tornada, un potop. Si incepe sa construiasca un adapost desi toata lumea (inclusiv nevasta-Jessica Chastain) crede ca e nebun. pentru ca are si o istorie de schizofrenie in familie. iar fiica-sa e surda (nu ca ar avea o legatura, dar eu vad o referinta biblica).
Dar Take Shelter e un film de dragoste, la fel ca Inception, pe aceisi pardigma a "realitatii" reale, dar intr-o America rurala, parca desprinsa din Five Easy Pieces.
Mi-a amintit si de There Will Be Blood al lui PTA, si de idei din Magnolia (ploaia de broaste), dar si de Terrence Malick. Adevaratul Tree of Life, iar anul 2011 a fost anul Jessicai Chastain, care a aparut in Tree of Life, The Debt, The Help, Texas Killing Fields si Coriolanus.
Shea Whigham (seriful, fratele lui Steve Buscemi din Boardwalk Empire), este prietenul lui Shannon, pe care acesta il sacrifica in drumul sau spre nebunie.
Finalul, legat de apocalipsa, mi-a adus aminte de trimbitele din Red State (la Kevin Smith tonul e parodic, dar ideea se potriveste), aici este vorba de "Reality doesn't matter as long as they're together." Interpretarea finalului ambiguu, ramine la latitudinea spectatorului-deci e un film pt dezbatere. Cum spunea Billy Friedkin referitor la Exorcistul si finalul sau, "daca esti un optimist atunci e un final fericit, daca insa crezi ca lumea e un loc rau si esti sceptic, atunci vei vedea asta".
Jeff Nichols, regizor si scenarist: il stiu (cinematografic vorbind) de la B-est din 2009, cu debutul, Shotgun Stories, care nu m-a prea impresionat, tocmai a terminat al treilea film, Mud, care e in selectia oficiala de la Cannes (wow, bravo Jeff!), si toate trei filmele sunt cu Michael Shannon (unul din actorii furati de nominalizari si premii de anul trecut, la fel ca Michael Fassbender in Shame, c'mon, they're all better than Dujardin !
Ben Nichols, piesa finala, gen "americana" , intitulata chiar Take Shelter, a la The Boss, Ryan Adams, etc.
8 din 10, 4 din 5 !
(de ce?, kinda slow to make a point, si potential de revizionare extrem de scazut!) in plus, vazut acasa la durata de 2 ore, prin auto-repetitie, isi anuleaza din forta !)
vineri, 20 aprilie 2012
Walking Dead-the sitcom !
via press play:
This supposed "alternate intro" for AMC's The Walking Dead is a great example of how a mash-up can become a kind of stealth criticism. The biggest rap against the cable network's smash hit zombie series is that it's too much of a talky whitebread soap opera.
Editor Timmy Lunsford sends up the show's shortcomings in an imaginary retro-1970s credits sequence, complete with sugary-inspirational theme music (actually the theme from Growing Pains); gratuitous irises and dissolves and lens flare effects; shots of characters silently displaying different sides of their (actually nonexistent) personalities, and period-correct fonts whooshing across the screen.
RIP Levon Helm
another bad one this week: Levon Helm, bateristul de la The Band si artist solo in his own right, a murit joi 19 de cancer, avea 71 de ani. In the annals rock and roll, Helm was a rarity, a drummer who could keep time while singing lead vocals. A jucat si in filme, debut in Coal Miner's Daughter in 1980, The Right Stuff (si narator), Fire Down Below ! si in doua filme produse de Michael Fitzgerald, The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada si In The Electric Mist. In 2011 Helm a scos albumul sau final, Ramble at the Ryman, un live in Nashville. Autobiografie: “This Wheel’s On Fire”. In 1994, pe cind The Band au fost inclusi in Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, Helm a refuzat sa participe la ceremonie. "Take a load off" (The Weight)
o piesa de pe albumul sau din 2009, Electric Dirt, scrisa pentru aceasta ocazie:
When I Go Away
“Levon Helm is the only drummer who can make you cry.”
(Jon Carroll in Rolling Stone via wall street blog
joi, 19 aprilie 2012
Cannes 65-selectia oficiala !
it's official ! Mungiu si Dincolo de dealuri, in competitia mare ! Si mai e un scurt-metraj romanesc (22 min.), de la UNATC, Tabara de la Razoare, de Cristi Iftime, in sectiunea Cinéfondation ! Pe 3 aprilie s-a dat o lista , cica leaked, a selectiei. Dupa cum am zis atunci, multe titluri se regasec, daca nu in lista mare, atunci in paralel, in Un Certain Regard ! Film de deschidere: Moonrise Kingdom de Wes Anderson (pe vremuri Woody Allen, acum s-a ajuns Wes A., filmul intra totodata in sali in Franta a doua zi!) Filmul participa si in competitie ! Jacques AUDIARD DE ROUILLE ET D'OS 1h55 Leos CARAX HOLY MOTORS 1h50 David CRONENBERG COSMOPOLIS (dupa romanul lui DonDi Lillo) 1h45 Lee DANIELS THE PAPERBOY 1h41 Andrew DOMINIK KILLING THEM SOFTLY (fostul Coogan's Trade, cu Brad Pitt) 1h40 Matteo GARRONE REALITY 1h50 Michael HANEKE AMOUR (LOVE) 2h06 John HILLCOAT LAWLESS 1h55 HONG Sangsoo DA-REUN NA-RA-E-SUH (IN ANOTHER COUNTRY) 1h28 IM Sang-soo DO-NUI MAT (THE TASTE OF MONEY) 1h53 Abbas KIAROSTAMI LIKE SOMEONE IN LOVE 1h49 Ken LOACH THE ANGELS' SHARE 1h46 Sergei LOZNITSA V TUMANE(IN THE FOG)2h07 filmat de Oleg Mutu ! Cristian MUNGIU BEYOND THE HILLS 2h35 Yousry NASRALLAH BAAD EL MAWKEAA(AFTER THE BATTLE)1h56 Jeff NICHOLS MUD 2h15 Alain RESNAIS VOUS N'AVEZ ENCORE RIEN VU 1h55 Carlos REYGADAS POST TENEBRAS LUX 1h40 Walter SALLES ON THE ROAD 2h20 (dupa cartea lui Jack Kerouac) Ulrich SEIDL PARADIES : Liebe (PARADISE : Love) 2h00 Thomas VINTERBERG JAGTEN (THE HUNT) 1h46 Film de inchidere: ultimul film al lui Claude Miller, disparut pe 4 aprilie, Thérèse Desqueyroux, dupa François Mauriac (in afara competitiei). UN CERTAIN REGARD Ashim AHLUWALIA MISS LOVELY First film 1h50 Juan Andrés ARANGO LA PLAYA First film 1h30 Nabil AYOUCH LES CHEVAUX DE DIEU (GOD'S HORSES) 1h55 Catherine CORSINI TROIS MONDE 1h40 Brandon CRONENBERG (baiatul lui David, normal) ANTIVIRAL First film 1h50 Benicio DEL TORO, Pablo TRAPERO, Julio MEDEM, Elia SULEIMAN,Juan Carlos TABIO, Gaspard NOÉ et Laurent CANTET 7 DIAS EN LA HABANA 2h05 Benoit DELÉPINE, Gustave KERVERN LE GRAND SOIR 1h32 Xavier DOLAN LAURENCE ANYWAYS 2h41 Michel FRANCO DESPUÉS DE LUCIA 1h33 Joachim LAFOSSE À PERDRE LA RAISON 1h54 Darezhan OMIRBAYEV STUDENT1h30 Moussa TOURE LA PIROGUE (THE PIROGUE) 1h27 Pablo TRAPERO ELEFANTE BLANCO (WHITE ELEPHANT) 2h00 Sylvie VERHEYDE CONFESSION OF A CHILD OF THE CENTURY 2h05 Koji WAKAMATSU 11.25 THE DAY HE CHOSE HIS OWN FATE 2h00 YOU Le MYSTERY 1h30 Benh ZEITLIN BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD First film 1h32 OUT OF COMPETITION Bernardo BERTOLUCCI IO E TE (ME AND YOU) 1h37 Eric DARNELL, Tom MCGRATH MADAGASCAR 3, EUROPE'S MOST WANTED 1h30 Philip KAUFMAN HEMINGWAY & GELLHORN 2h34 MIDNIGHT SCREENINGS Dario ARGENTO DARIO ARGENTO'S DRACULA 1h46 Takashi MIIKE AI TO MAKOTO 2h14 65TH ANNIVERSARY UNE JOURNÉE PARTICULIÈRE by Gilles Jacob and Samuel Faure 53' SPECIAL SCREENINGS Fatih AKIN DER MÜLL IM GARTEN EDEN (POLLUTING PARADISE) 1h25 Laurent BOUZEREAU ROMAN POLANSKI : A FILM MEMOIR 1h34 Ken BURNS, Sarah BURNS, David MCMAHON THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE 2h00 Sébastien LIFSHITZ LES INVISIBLES 1h55 Claudine NOUGARET, Raymond DEPARDON JOURNAL DE FRANCE 1h40 Nelson PEREIRA DOS SANTOS A MUSICA SEGUNDO TOM JOBIM 1h30 Gonzalo TOBAL VILLEGAS First film 1h36 Apichatpong WEERASETHAKUL MEKONG HOTEL 1h01
marți, 17 aprilie 2012
RIP William Finley
saddest pe De Palma a la Mod aflu ca a murit Bill Finley, adica Fantoma Paradisului ! Unul din actorii-fetis ai lui Brian De Palma, prieten intim si colaborator apropiat (de la Woton's Wake pina la The Black Dahlia, in 9 proiecte), William Finley era un character actor perfect, dar putin intrebuintat. Rolul sau Cult ramine cel din Fantoma Paradisului/Phantom of The Paradise (1974), un muzical excentric, apreciat in Canada (unde exista Phantompalooza) si Franta, dar nu si in SUA. Finley a jucat si la Tobe Hooper, in Eaten Alive, The Funhouse, si Night Terrors. Actorul a murit simbata 14 aprilie, in urma unor complicatii de la o operatie. Avea 69 de ani !
*emisiune speciala despre William Finley la MovieGeeksunited (blogtalkradio), cu interviul sau din 2007 (mostly on Brian De Palma) !
am preluat montajul foto de la DPalM de Geoff Beran !
-Edgar Wright, un fan absolut, povesteste aici despre experienta lui uncanny de a-i fi trimis un email exact in ziua mortii...
Dupa cum spune Wright, "I was, and remain, speechless and heartbroken", nu pot decit sa subscriu :(
-iar aseara am revazut Ishtar, cu cintece de Paul Williams !
iata Faust-ul sau din Phantom of the Paradise (celalalt credit muzaical al sau fiind piesa-titlu din Murder a la Mod:
"Old emotions may they rest in peace and dream, dream a bunch of friends
Rest in peace, and dream, dream it never ends"
*emisiune speciala despre William Finley la MovieGeeksunited (blogtalkradio), cu interviul sau din 2007 (mostly on Brian De Palma) !
Listen to internet radio with MOVIE GEEKS UNITED on Blog Talk Radio

-Edgar Wright, un fan absolut, povesteste aici despre experienta lui uncanny de a-i fi trimis un email exact in ziua mortii...
Dupa cum spune Wright, "I was, and remain, speechless and heartbroken", nu pot decit sa subscriu :(
-iar aseara am revazut Ishtar, cu cintece de Paul Williams !
iata Faust-ul sau din Phantom of the Paradise (celalalt credit muzaical al sau fiind piesa-titlu din Murder a la Mod:
"Old emotions may they rest in peace and dream, dream a bunch of friends
Rest in peace, and dream, dream it never ends"

The Animals din nou la Bucuresti !
Joi 10 mai in Jukebox !
despre venirea lor anterioara, pe 3 aprilie 2011 am scris aici
am si pus concertul lor pe locul 9, in top 10 live events (alds) pe 2011 !

din reţeaua Eventim, magazinele Vodafone, Germanos, Orange, Domo, librăriile Humanitas şi Cărtureşti şi online de pe la următoarele preţuri:
- În avans: 60 de lei (cu loc) – până în ziua concertului 30 de lei (în picioare) – până în data de 3 mai 40 de lei (în picioare) – în perioada 3-10 mai
- La intrare: 45 de lei în picioare 65 de lei cu loc.
despre venirea lor anterioara, pe 3 aprilie 2011 am scris aici
am si pus concertul lor pe locul 9, in top 10 live events (alds) pe 2011 !

din reţeaua Eventim, magazinele Vodafone, Germanos, Orange, Domo, librăriile Humanitas şi Cărtureşti şi online de pe la următoarele preţuri:
- În avans: 60 de lei (cu loc) – până în ziua concertului 30 de lei (în picioare) – până în data de 3 mai 40 de lei (în picioare) – în perioada 3-10 mai
- La intrare: 45 de lei în picioare 65 de lei cu loc.
luni, 16 aprilie 2012
duminică, 15 aprilie 2012
Axl nu vrea sa intre in R'nR Hall of Fame....
in timp ce la ortodoxi e Pastele, la americani e Rock'n Roll Hall of Fame....and in Cleveland of all places...iar stirea de anul asta Axl nu vrea ca sa fie inclus ca membru GnR...some say he is an asshole, but he doesn't give a shit...he's his side of the truth....
Axl Rose's complete letter:
To: The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, Guns N' Roses Fans and Whom It May Concern,
When the nominations for the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame were first announced I had mixed emotions but, in an effort to be positive, wanting to make the most of things for the fans and with their enthusiasm, I was honored, excited and hoped that somehow this would be a good thing. Of course I realized as things stood, if Guns N' Roses were to be inducted it'd be somewhat of a complicated or awkward situation.
Since then we've listened to fans, talked with members of the board of the Hall Of Fame, communicated with and read various public comments and jabs from former members of Guns N' Roses, had discussions with the president of the Hall Of Fame, read various press (some legit, some contrived) and read other artists' comments weighing in publicly on Guns and the Hall with their thoughts.
Under the circumstances I feel we've been polite, courteous, and open to an amicable solution in our efforts to work something out. Taking into consideration the history of Guns N' Roses, those who plan to attend along with those the Hall for reasons of their own, have chosen to include in "our" induction (that for the record are decisions I don't agree with, support or feel the Hall has any right to make), and how (albeit no easy task) those involved with the Hall have handled things... no offense meant to anyone but the Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony doesn't appear to be somewhere I'm actually wanted or respected.
For the record, I would not begrudge anyone from Guns their accomplishments or recognition for such. Neither I or anyone in my camp has made any requests or demands of the Hall Of Fame. It's their show not mine.
That said, I won't be attending The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction 2012 Ceremony and I respectfully decline my induction as a member of Guns N' Roses to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.
I strongly request that I not be inducted in absentia and please know that no one is authorized nor may anyone be permitted to accept any induction for me or speak on my behalf (...) This decision is personal (...) Since the announcement of the nomination we've actively sought out a solution to what, with all things considered, appears to be a no win, at least for me, "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario all the way around.
In regard to a reunion of any kind of either the Appetite or Illusion lineups, I've publicly made myself more than clear. Nothing's changed.
So let sleeping dogs lie or lying dogs sleep or whatever. Time to move on. People get divorced. Life doesn't owe you your own personal happy ending especially at another's, or in this case several others', expense. (...)
In closing, regardless of this decision and as hard to believe or as ironic as it may seem, I'd like to sincerely thank the board for their nomination and their votes for Guns' induction. More importantly I'd like to thank the fans for being there over the years, making any success we've had possible and for enjoying and supporting Guns N' Roses music.
I wish the Hall a great show, congratulations to all the other artists being inducted and to our fans we look forward to seeing you on tour!!
Axl Rose

parerea lui Slash aici...
Guns N' Roses (Axl's camp :) vor cinta din nou la Bucuresti pe 1 iulie !
Coda (duminica seara): L-au bagat oricum, indiferent de ce a bombanit el :) so much ado for nothing then...
Axl Rose's complete letter:
To: The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, Guns N' Roses Fans and Whom It May Concern,
When the nominations for the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame were first announced I had mixed emotions but, in an effort to be positive, wanting to make the most of things for the fans and with their enthusiasm, I was honored, excited and hoped that somehow this would be a good thing. Of course I realized as things stood, if Guns N' Roses were to be inducted it'd be somewhat of a complicated or awkward situation.
Since then we've listened to fans, talked with members of the board of the Hall Of Fame, communicated with and read various public comments and jabs from former members of Guns N' Roses, had discussions with the president of the Hall Of Fame, read various press (some legit, some contrived) and read other artists' comments weighing in publicly on Guns and the Hall with their thoughts.
Under the circumstances I feel we've been polite, courteous, and open to an amicable solution in our efforts to work something out. Taking into consideration the history of Guns N' Roses, those who plan to attend along with those the Hall for reasons of their own, have chosen to include in "our" induction (that for the record are decisions I don't agree with, support or feel the Hall has any right to make), and how (albeit no easy task) those involved with the Hall have handled things... no offense meant to anyone but the Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony doesn't appear to be somewhere I'm actually wanted or respected.
For the record, I would not begrudge anyone from Guns their accomplishments or recognition for such. Neither I or anyone in my camp has made any requests or demands of the Hall Of Fame. It's their show not mine.
That said, I won't be attending The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction 2012 Ceremony and I respectfully decline my induction as a member of Guns N' Roses to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.
I strongly request that I not be inducted in absentia and please know that no one is authorized nor may anyone be permitted to accept any induction for me or speak on my behalf (...) This decision is personal (...) Since the announcement of the nomination we've actively sought out a solution to what, with all things considered, appears to be a no win, at least for me, "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario all the way around.
In regard to a reunion of any kind of either the Appetite or Illusion lineups, I've publicly made myself more than clear. Nothing's changed.
So let sleeping dogs lie or lying dogs sleep or whatever. Time to move on. People get divorced. Life doesn't owe you your own personal happy ending especially at another's, or in this case several others', expense. (...)
In closing, regardless of this decision and as hard to believe or as ironic as it may seem, I'd like to sincerely thank the board for their nomination and their votes for Guns' induction. More importantly I'd like to thank the fans for being there over the years, making any success we've had possible and for enjoying and supporting Guns N' Roses music.
I wish the Hall a great show, congratulations to all the other artists being inducted and to our fans we look forward to seeing you on tour!!
Axl Rose

parerea lui Slash aici...
Guns N' Roses (Axl's camp :) vor cinta din nou la Bucuresti pe 1 iulie !
Coda (duminica seara): L-au bagat oricum, indiferent de ce a bombanit el :) so much ado for nothing then...
sâmbătă, 14 aprilie 2012
Tim Roth, presedinte Un Certain Regard
Cannes Festival communique:
English actor and director Tim Roth will be the president of the Un Certain Regard Jury, part of the Festival de Cannes Official Selection, for which twenty films will be announced at the same time as those for the Competition during the press conference on April, 19th.

Nanni Moretti este presedintele juriului din competitia "mare".
English actor and director Tim Roth will be the president of the Un Certain Regard Jury, part of the Festival de Cannes Official Selection, for which twenty films will be announced at the same time as those for the Competition during the press conference on April, 19th.

Nanni Moretti este presedintele juriului din competitia "mare".
vineri, 13 aprilie 2012
Linkin Park la Bucuresti !
anothe rbig one for 2012 ! la Romexpo pe 6 iunie !
Biletele intra in vanzare de vineri, 13 aprilie, la preturile de 130 lei – Gazon B; 200 lei - Gazon A; 270 lei – Golden Ring si 360 lei – Tribune VIP.
Pana pe 26 aprilie inclusiv, biletele la gazon A pot fi achizitionate la pretul special de 180 lei.
Biletele intra in vanzare de vineri, 13 aprilie, la preturile de 130 lei – Gazon B; 200 lei - Gazon A; 270 lei – Golden Ring si 360 lei – Tribune VIP.
Pana pe 26 aprilie inclusiv, biletele la gazon A pot fi achizitionate la pretul special de 180 lei.

Marilyn Manson & Johnny Depp live
Marylin Manson // Sweet Dreams & The Beautiful People ft Johnny Depp @ The Revolver Golden Gods Awards in LA.
Manson si Depp, care sunt prieteni vechi, colaboreaza impreuna pe noul album al lui Manson, Born Villan, cu un cover dupa o piesa Carly Simon din 1972, "You're So Vain" ! Din nou trebuie sa spun ca MM grasutz seamana cu Nicolas Cage ! talk 'bout a season of the witch !

dupa ce a cintat anul trecut cu Alice Cooper la Londra, a jam-uit cu Keith Richards dupa premiera la Rum Diary, cu Billy Gibbons de la ZZTop la Austin Film Festival si cu Eddie Veder's Society, Depp se pre-ocupa in continuare de pasiunea lui nr. 1, rocknroll ! Kool !
Manson si Depp, care sunt prieteni vechi, colaboreaza impreuna pe noul album al lui Manson, Born Villan, cu un cover dupa o piesa Carly Simon din 1972, "You're So Vain" ! Din nou trebuie sa spun ca MM grasutz seamana cu Nicolas Cage ! talk 'bout a season of the witch !

dupa ce a cintat anul trecut cu Alice Cooper la Londra, a jam-uit cu Keith Richards dupa premiera la Rum Diary, cu Billy Gibbons de la ZZTop la Austin Film Festival si cu Eddie Veder's Society, Depp se pre-ocupa in continuare de pasiunea lui nr. 1, rocknroll ! Kool !
joi, 12 aprilie 2012
Bohren & Der Club Of Gore la Bucuresti !
Bohren & Der Club Of Gore este o trupa germana de jazz, adepta genului "horror jazz". Suna interesant si este pentru prima data in Romania, la The Silver Church in seara zilei de 12 mai 2012.

“Bohren & der Club Of Gore creeaza acel tip de muzica pe care Angelo Badalamenti l-a perfectionat pentru soundtrack-ul Twin Peaks. Intr-o forma finisata, prafuita si mult evocativa, tipul de muzica ce te indeamna sa te apuci de fumat. Unii dintre voi s-ar putea sa fiti nefamiliarizati cu aceasta trupa excelenta, iar daca sunteti in cautarea a ceva inspirational, care sa va induca intr-o adanca meditatie, terapie prin visare, carusel in slow-motion, sesiune de whisky la ora 5 dimineata sau orice alta “linisteala”... opriti cautarea! O muzica excelenta.”(Boomkat)
via Colan ! thx !
bilete 50 ron.
de ascultat pe youtube aici si pe myspace aici

“Bohren & der Club Of Gore creeaza acel tip de muzica pe care Angelo Badalamenti l-a perfectionat pentru soundtrack-ul Twin Peaks. Intr-o forma finisata, prafuita si mult evocativa, tipul de muzica ce te indeamna sa te apuci de fumat. Unii dintre voi s-ar putea sa fiti nefamiliarizati cu aceasta trupa excelenta, iar daca sunteti in cautarea a ceva inspirational, care sa va induca intr-o adanca meditatie, terapie prin visare, carusel in slow-motion, sesiune de whisky la ora 5 dimineata sau orice alta “linisteala”... opriti cautarea! O muzica excelenta.”(Boomkat)
via Colan ! thx !
bilete 50 ron.
de ascultat pe youtube aici si pe myspace aici
The Woman in Black (2012)
Harry Potter intr-un film horror gotic victorian ? Cu fantome, romantic, pe la inceput de secol XX, in ceturile rurale englezesti, complete cu o casa parasita, o mlastina si un blestem ? Da, si regizorul este James Watkins, care a facut Eden Lake, si scenariul a fost scris de Jane Goldman (Kick-Ass), si e o productie Hammer, faimosa casa de productie de filme horror britanica, acum renascuta. Ciarán Hinds, pe care mai nou il vad in toate filmele (de la TTSS la John Carter si Ghost Rider 2)si care a jucat alaturi de Daniel Radcliffe in ultima serie Harry Potter, il secondeaza pe acesta cu brio, o secventa cu masina Rolls Royce Silver Ghost e plina de tensiune (marshanger...). Cam multe sperieturi pentru gustul meu, si atmosfera aceea pe care spaniolii au stiut s-o faca bine in El Orfanato si alte ghost story-uri recente...sau mai putin recente, de la The Haunting, la The Innocents si The Others ! Oricum destul de old school si old-fashioned si facut ingrijit, si ne-american, cu o scenografie si un setting interesante, complete cu papusi mecanice si cutii muzicale care devin creepy.
The Woman in Black e bazat pe romanul Susanei Hill din 1983,
care a mai fost facut pentru TV in 1989 si transformat in serial radio si in piesa de teatru, din West End la Chicago.
Avind in vedere ca e cel mai de succes film britanic horror din ultimii 20 de ani, s-a anuntat deja continuarea, The Woman in Black: Angels of Death (pentru 2014), scris de Jon Croker, care se va intimpla 40 de ani mai tirziu!

3 stele din 5 / 6 din 10
The Woman in Black e bazat pe romanul Susanei Hill din 1983,
care a mai fost facut pentru TV in 1989 si transformat in serial radio si in piesa de teatru, din West End la Chicago.
Avind in vedere ca e cel mai de succes film britanic horror din ultimii 20 de ani, s-a anuntat deja continuarea, The Woman in Black: Angels of Death (pentru 2014), scris de Jon Croker, care se va intimpla 40 de ani mai tirziu!

3 stele din 5 / 6 din 10
miercuri, 11 aprilie 2012
marți, 10 aprilie 2012
Marky Ramone's Blitzkrieg -live in Jukebox 9.04.12
si a fost the third coming iar pt mine a patra (Misfits in 2004). Dupa 2008 si 2010 la Silver Church, Marky Ramone's Blitzkrieg a cintat ieri, luni, la Jukebox club (fostul Becker Brau, fostul Why Not).
Crazy Joe --guitar, Graham vanderVeen -bass, Micheal Graves-guitar, vocals
TBC cronica completa w clips and more pics de pe (live alive)
duminică, 8 aprilie 2012
Duffy (1968)
Interesul meu in Duffy (1968)e legat mai mult de scenarist, Donald Cammell, care a fost atit de dezamagit de rezultat, incit a trecut la regie el insusi (prima oara alaturi de Nicolas Roeg in ceea ce avea sa devina Performance, filmul cult prin excelenta, apoi cu Demon Seed, White of the Eye, despre care am scris aici, si Wild Side, de pe care si-a scos numele, inainte sa se sinucida, dupa 4 filme in 25 de ani !), decit de James Coburn, care e aici mai mult In Like Flynt, as In like Duffy.
Secondat de alti doi James, Fox si Mason, de Susannah York, ca femme fatale, si de John Aldelton (Zardoz), filmul e o parodie a genului heist/caper, si un document al epocii, finalul swinging sixties, cind filme precum Candy sau Skiddo erau finantate de studiouri. Interesant de vazut ce se intimpla cu logo-ul de la Columbia, pe un generic extrem de psihedelic, ale carui sculpturi pop se regasesc in film. Tras si din Kaleidoscope (Jack Smight) si din Modesty Blaise al lui Losey, amble in anul lui Blowup (1966), Duffy este un film inegal, pe alocuri plictisitor, pe alocuri absolut fascinant, care beneficiaza de o regie inegala de Robert Parrish (A Town Called Bastard), o imagine superba de Otto Heller (filmat in Almeria) si un score exceptional de Ernie Freeman. Al Lettieri e creditat ca dialogue coach (el a lucrat anterior cu Parrish la The Bobo)!!!!

un articol interesant pe tcm,
si altul si mai amanuntit referitor la Cammell, intitulat I'd walk a mile for a Cammell :)
Lou Rawls cinta "I'm Satisfied", in introducerea lui James Coburn ca Duffy, eminamente Mr. Cool. alaturat pe youtube sunt bucati din film !
3 din 5, 6 din 10 !
extras: dvd de la Columbia Vaults (versiunea lor de Warner Archives) contine si un trailer hip care mentioneazxa repetitiv, "relax, it's only a movie", desi n-ar trebui, ca ne dam seama si singuri :)
Secondat de alti doi James, Fox si Mason, de Susannah York, ca femme fatale, si de John Aldelton (Zardoz), filmul e o parodie a genului heist/caper, si un document al epocii, finalul swinging sixties, cind filme precum Candy sau Skiddo erau finantate de studiouri. Interesant de vazut ce se intimpla cu logo-ul de la Columbia, pe un generic extrem de psihedelic, ale carui sculpturi pop se regasesc in film. Tras si din Kaleidoscope (Jack Smight) si din Modesty Blaise al lui Losey, amble in anul lui Blowup (1966), Duffy este un film inegal, pe alocuri plictisitor, pe alocuri absolut fascinant, care beneficiaza de o regie inegala de Robert Parrish (A Town Called Bastard), o imagine superba de Otto Heller (filmat in Almeria) si un score exceptional de Ernie Freeman. Al Lettieri e creditat ca dialogue coach (el a lucrat anterior cu Parrish la The Bobo)!!!!

un articol interesant pe tcm,
si altul si mai amanuntit referitor la Cammell, intitulat I'd walk a mile for a Cammell :)
Lou Rawls cinta "I'm Satisfied", in introducerea lui James Coburn ca Duffy, eminamente Mr. Cool. alaturat pe youtube sunt bucati din film !
3 din 5, 6 din 10 !
extras: dvd de la Columbia Vaults (versiunea lor de Warner Archives) contine si un trailer hip care mentioneazxa repetitiv, "relax, it's only a movie", desi n-ar trebui, ca ne dam seama si singuri :)
joi, 5 aprilie 2012
RIP Claude Miller
Regizorul francez, cunoscut mai ales pentru "Garde a Vue" (1981, cu Lino Ventura si Michel Serrault, remake american, Under Suspicion, in 2000 cu Gene Hackman si Morgan Freeman), "Mortelle randonnée", "L'Effrontée", "La Petite Lili", L'accompagnatrice, Un Secret (2007) a murit miercuri seara la Paris. Claude Miller avea 70 de ani.
Si-a inceput cariera ca asistent al lui Marcel Carné. Discipol al nouvelle vague, a colaborat cu Jean-Luc Godard si François Truffaut, mai intii ca asistent de regie, apoi ca production manager. Debut in lung-metraj in 1976, cu La meilleure façon de marcher. Premiul juriului/Prix du jury la Festivalul de la Cannes pentru La classe de neige in 1998. Ultimul sau film, in post-productie, este Thérèse Desqueyroux, dupa François Mauriac, cu Audrey Tautou si Gilles Lellouche, care va iesi in toamna in cinematografele franceze.
tribut in The Guardian.
Si-a inceput cariera ca asistent al lui Marcel Carné. Discipol al nouvelle vague, a colaborat cu Jean-Luc Godard si François Truffaut, mai intii ca asistent de regie, apoi ca production manager. Debut in lung-metraj in 1976, cu La meilleure façon de marcher. Premiul juriului/Prix du jury la Festivalul de la Cannes pentru La classe de neige in 1998. Ultimul sau film, in post-productie, este Thérèse Desqueyroux, dupa François Mauriac, cu Audrey Tautou si Gilles Lellouche, care va iesi in toamna in cinematografele franceze.
tribut in The Guardian.

miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012
Promotie noua la OST & more

„Black Thursday”, sau ultima zi de promotie a retelei de ticketing BILETOO se va desfasura pe data de 5 aprilie, in intervalul orar 00.00-24.00, iar reducerea de 30% la cele 8 evenimente mentionate mai sus va fi disponibila doar in Magazinul BILETOO din Unirea Shopping Center (parter, intrarea de langa McDonald’s) si online pe
Bohemian Rhapsody...
un video inspiarational in caz ca sunteti arestati de politie.
Robert Wilkinson, un canadian a fost arestat pentru ca era cam...intoxicat. A ales sa cinte acesta piesa, mi se pare o scena suprarealista demna de The Dude din The Big Lebowski. "I'm just a poor boy...nobody loves me..."
via Ndugu :)
marți, 3 aprilie 2012
Selectia preliminara Cannes 65 ???
Selectia preliminara Cannes 65 a fost data in vileag (leaked) pe net azi, cu trei saptamini inainte de a fi anunata oficial ! That's a first, si se pare ca e pe bune... but stop the press ! Festivalul a dat o dezmintire cu declaratii ale selectionerului, Thierry Fremaux si ale sefului Wild Bunch, Vincent Maraval.
Acestia spun ca ar fi fost o farsa de 1 aprilie iar Fremaux declara ca selectia e inca in capul sau. Maraval zice ca anumite filme sunt inca neterminate si nevazute de Fremaux. Dupa cum spun comentatorii, probabil juma juma, unele filme se vor regasi pe lista competitiei oficiale cu siguranta. Conferinta oficiala a festivalului, pe 19 aprilie !

dupa indiwire, preluat si de imdb cele 24 de filme ar fi:
APRES LA BATAILLE Yousry Nasrallah
BIG HOUSE Matteo Garrone
THE BURIAL Terrence Malick
COSMOPOLIS David Cronenberg
DE ROUILLE ET D’OS Jacques Audiard
GEBO ET L’OMBRE Manoel de Oliveira
LE GRAND SOIR Gustave Kervern et Benoit Delépine
MAIN DANS LA MAIN Valérie Donzelli
THE MASTER Paul Thomas Anderson (filmat de Mihai Malaimare jr.)
MISHIMA (provisional title) Koji Wakamatsu
NO Pablo Larrain
PIAZZA FONTANA Marco Tullio Giordana
PROVIZORIU Cristian Mungiu
RHINOS SEASON Bahman Ghobadi
STOKER Park Chan-wook
Filmul lui Cristian Mungiu e intitulat aici inca PROVIZORIU, desi la noi se stie ca ar fi Dincolo de dealuri.
Acum o luna Indiewire facuse o lista cu 30 de filme pe care le vedea in selectia canneza de anul acesta. Aici ele sunt descrise pe indelete, iar filmul lui Mungiu e numit Beyond the Hills, si figureaza si distribuitorul american, Sundance Selects.
Acestia spun ca ar fi fost o farsa de 1 aprilie iar Fremaux declara ca selectia e inca in capul sau. Maraval zice ca anumite filme sunt inca neterminate si nevazute de Fremaux. Dupa cum spun comentatorii, probabil juma juma, unele filme se vor regasi pe lista competitiei oficiale cu siguranta. Conferinta oficiala a festivalului, pe 19 aprilie !

dupa indiwire, preluat si de imdb cele 24 de filme ar fi:
APRES LA BATAILLE Yousry Nasrallah
BIG HOUSE Matteo Garrone
THE BURIAL Terrence Malick
COSMOPOLIS David Cronenberg
DE ROUILLE ET D’OS Jacques Audiard
GEBO ET L’OMBRE Manoel de Oliveira
LE GRAND SOIR Gustave Kervern et Benoit Delépine
MAIN DANS LA MAIN Valérie Donzelli
THE MASTER Paul Thomas Anderson (filmat de Mihai Malaimare jr.)
MISHIMA (provisional title) Koji Wakamatsu
NO Pablo Larrain
PIAZZA FONTANA Marco Tullio Giordana
PROVIZORIU Cristian Mungiu
RHINOS SEASON Bahman Ghobadi
STOKER Park Chan-wook
Filmul lui Cristian Mungiu e intitulat aici inca PROVIZORIU, desi la noi se stie ca ar fi Dincolo de dealuri.
Acum o luna Indiewire facuse o lista cu 30 de filme pe care le vedea in selectia canneza de anul acesta. Aici ele sunt descrise pe indelete, iar filmul lui Mungiu e numit Beyond the Hills, si figureaza si distribuitorul american, Sundance Selects.

duminică, 1 aprilie 2012
RIP Ion Lucian
...s-a dus si Ion Lucian. la 88 de ani, directorul teatrului Excelsior, o viata dedicata teatrului. A fost angajat prima oara in teatru de catre Liviu Rebreanu. Fondator şi director (1964 - 1972) al Teatrului pentru Copii "Ion Creangă" şi al Teatrului Excelsior din Bucureşti (din 1990), Ion Lucian a fost profesor universitar la Institutul de Teatru şi Film (1952 - 1956), iar între 1998 şi 2000 a predat la Universitatea Hyperion din Bucureşti.

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