joi, 26 februarie 2009

Palme D'or pentru Clint Eastwood !

this just in:

Clint Eastwood, in Paris for the release of his film Gran Torino, was given the Palme d’Or of the Festival de Cannes by Gilles Jacob and Thierry Frémaux at a private ceremony on wednesday, 25th February.

The American filmmaker has a long and trusting relationship with the Festival which first welcomed him for the first time in 1985 with Pale Rider. He has returned to present Bird, and then White Hunter, Black Heart, Mystic River and Changeling.

Over the years, the acknowledgement of his peers has met the growing fervor of international critics to acclaim a major artist who alone makes “the synthesis of the classicism and modernity of American cinema”.
The passion he incites in film lovers is one of admiration and respect, a natural response to his elegance and legendary reserve.

A few years after having paid tribute to Ingmar Bergman, the Festival de Cannes today awarded a Palme d’Or to Clint Eastwood in homage to the talent of a grand master at the summit of his craft.

acum, stim, ca de fapt e un semn de "ne cerem scuze" pentru anul trecut cu Changeling, cind i s-a creat premiul editiei 61, ad-hoc, dupa ce nerecunoscatorul de Sean Penn (aka Milk) a dat premiu lui Entre les Murs si Clint n-a vrut sa vina la ceremonie. Pentru ca nu i-au dat Palmierul nici la Bird, nici la Mystic River ! ok, anyway, kudos Clint, dar mai mult recoup Thierry si Gilles !

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