OK’ so here we go…….(pozitiile de top nu-s neaparat batute-n cuie)
aici topul pe 2008 !!!
1 Chickenfoot-Chickenfoot
Future is the past ! Oh Yeah !

2. BOB DYLAN-Together Through Life
His Bobness sounds great, more bluesy, plus bonus disc, showul lui de radio cu Friends and Neighbours.
3. Ian Hunter-Man Overboard
vocalistul de la Mott the Hoople a implinit 70 de ani ! si e la al 13-lea album !!!

4. IGGY POP Preliminaries,
e mai bun decit skull ring for exemple…jazzy, frenchie si Michel Holuebreq
5. Felice Brothers-Yonder is the Clock
fenomeneala trupa noua de blues a la the Band, Bob D. & co...

6. Wilco-The album, ca si cum ar fi primul…

7. Levon Helm-Electric Dirt
(Tennessee Jed)

8. Bruce Springsteen-Working on a Dream
Cu The Wrestler si Outlaw Pete si Queen of the Supermarket

9. KISS-Sonic Boom
ascult din nou KISS si nu mi se pare ca se ridica la nivelul lui Black Ice, dar e cheesy si fun so…

10. Them Crooked Vultures- Them Crooked Vultures
Trupa lui Dave Grohl cu John Paul Jones (care mi-a trezit interesul in ea) si Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age, Eagles of Death Metal).

Noua trupa a lui Jack White, The Dead Weather-Horehound
Devin Townshend-Ki
Pearl Jam-Backspacer
Rammstein Liebe ist fur alle da-nu m- a impresionat desi Pussy I kinda like it…
Steve Vai-Where the Wild Things Are
Muse-The Resistance, cam dezlinat si clonat de la altii-Queen, Rush, Depeche Mode dar still…
Queensryche-American Soldier (not quite there)
Lynyrd Skynyrd-Gods and Guns
Neil Young-Fork in the Road
Kris Kristofferson -Closer To The Bone
JJ Cale-Roll on

Steve Earle - Townes (piese de Townes Van Zant)
Noul Knopfler-Get Lucky (no I did not) a bore
John Fogerty - The Blue Ridge Rangers Rides Again
Iar cel mai schizoid album de Craciun: Bob Dylan’s Xmas in the Heart cu Must be Santa
Yeah Yeah Yeahs au luat-o pe aratura disco cu it’s blitz
U2 -No Line on the Horizon ca n-au cintat rap sau mai stiu eu ce, oricum mai bun ca How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
iara abia acum ascult Papa Roach cu Metamorphosis (Hollywood Whore,e etc) dar inafara de Infest m-au dezamagit continuu (Getting Away With Murder)
Mike Stern-Big Neighbourhood (cu megainvitati,
Jan Garbarek Group-live in Dresden (primul live solo Garbarek grup)
ce pacat ca nu se afla si Dead Man's Body printre ei. este primul lor album si nu este rau deloc [scos prin octombrie daca nu gresesc]. am vrut sa dau un link aici catre youtube, dar n-a mers. mie imi place cel mai tare "My body's a zombie for you". mihaela
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