Winter's Bone, din 7 nominalizari, doar 2 premii ! A fost seara Black Swan dupa cum a mai fost seara Aronovsky si acum 2 ani cu The Wrestler !
Si in alta ordine de idei s-au dat Razzies, zemeura pt cel mai prost film, Shayamalan si The Last Airbender a luat grosul si femeiele din Sex and the City 2.
Independent Spirit Awards
Best Feature: Black Swan
Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan

Best Male Lead: James Franco, 127 Hours
Best Female Lead: Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Best Supporting Male: John Hawkes, Winter's Bone
Best Supporting Female: Dale Dickey, Winter's Bone
Best First Feature: Get Low (de vazut de mine asap)
Best Screenplay: Stuart Blumberg and Lisa Cholodenko, The Kids Are All Right
Best First Screenplay: Lena Dunham, Tiny Furniture
Best Cinematography: Matthew Libatique, Black Swan
Robert Altman Award: Please Give
Best Documentary: Exit Through the Gift Shop (AGREE)
Best Foreign Film: The King's Speech -asa da, sa pui regele la film strain, pentru ca-i anglican anyway !
John Cassavetes Award (Best Feature Made for Under $500,000): Daddy Longlegs aka Go Get Some Rosemary Acura Someone to Watch Award: Mike Ott, Littlerock
Aveeno Truer Than Fiction Award: Jeff Malmberg, pt documentarul Marwencol

Piaget Producers Award: Anish Savjani, Meek's Cutoff.
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