LATIMES says better:
"Some years from this exact moment," we're told at the beginning of the dismal "Gamer," Americans will be lining up to become flesh-and-blood avatars inside violent and lurid video game worlds. The bad news: Participants are likely either to be killed or imprisoned in an environment that looks like a David LaChapelle photo shoot. The good news: These kinds of games would render garbage like "Gamer" obsolete.
"Gamer" actually makes you feel nostalgic for the time when the filmmaking team of Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor (the duo behind the "Crank" movies) didn't feel burdened by the need to conjure up a story line or reflexively comment on American culture. Thought is antithetical to these guys' absurdist, Red Bull action aesthetic.
abysymal, garbage, true ! Hiperviolent in acelasi timp ! si pretentios, si cu un look extrem de ugly si nereusit! Gerald Butler nu e Jason Statham

Gladiatorul ? nah, i'm fat and uncharismatic !
si Crank era funny si tongueincheek nu avea cliseul de plot ultima data vazut in Max Payne, cu nevasta si copilul, nevasta porn model Amber Valletta (din Transporter 2), dar cam trecuta fata. Si acest cross de Running Man cu Death Race si daca vrei ca ciulamaua de voma sa fie completa mai baga si matrix, tron si rollerball ! Bravo Neveldine si Taylor, nici camera nu e destul de kinetica ci epileptica si
"I've Got You Under My Skin" de Sammy Davis Jr. cintata de Michael C. Hall. e o secventa destul de funny si suprarealista, in rest el badgheiul (din Six Feet Under si Dexter) e fix pix si..ghei, ma enerveza cind iau oameni din seriale TV si-i fac badnomofo, ca Dominic West in Punisher: War Zone, de ex ! Poate cu JCVD sa fi functionat, sau funny cu Jason S, sau pe vremuri la Corman, si on the funny side, nu voit drmatic ! John Leguiziamo maninca si el un burger ceva de pe urma filmului asta, dupa cum o fac si Keith David (cameo as cop), si Ludacris (rapper hacker) si Kyra Sedgwick (obosita rau)...sunt curios cit are rating, ca io sub 18 nu i-as da...
3 din 10, 1 1/2 din 5
metacritics score de 27 puncte cu epitete gen "A futuristic vomitorium of bosoms and bullets."(New York Times)

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