miercuri, 16 septembrie 2009

LMA Mickey !

oh, he's doing well, anul trecut luase premiu la Venezia as randy the Ram ! acum joaca in enshpe filme, toate high profile more or less ! am aflat ca a fost la Sarajevo la festival, daca stiam ma duceam si io, ca imi promisese Pjer ca ma invita ! Acum am zis de ziua lui (fuckin 57) sa revad un film pe care mi-l amintesc ca fiind cam prost, A PRAYER FOR THE DYING, v. next post !!!
Vorbele lui Adrian Lyne se pare ca se adeveresc: "He was hugely talented, but he was surrounded by so many creeps," says Lyne. "I often think if he had died after Tasking Angel Heart, he would have been a legend on the scale of James Dean. Maybe he still will be."

Chiar daca fatza nu-i permite sa joace junii din tinerete, proiectele lui Rourke includ filme cu Walter Hill (St. Vincent), megabadguy-ul de anul viitor Whiplash in Iron Man 2, Passion Play (unde o va avea ca inger pe Megan Fox !), Expendables si poate Rambo V cu Stallone, si un remake la Mona Lisa de Larry Clark ! cu Eva Green...(BTW, in A Prayer for the...joaca cu Bob Hoskins, soferul original al Monei Lisa), ar mai fi un proiect interesant, Pretty, Baby, Machine, dupa un comix, daca s-o face ! si indianul Broken Horses !

articol in People "MR-on the Ropes" October 10, 1994

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