descoperit un live podcast de pe moviefone cu membrii distributiei, BDP (Brain De Palma, duh) no show,
dar male testosteronul e ultra: Al Pacino, Steven Bauer, F. Murray Abraham, Robert Loggia (pacat ca nu-l intreaba nimeni nimic, mai ales ca e veteran !) si producatorul Marty Bregman !
prezentatorul e cam annoying dar Al e fun (tocmai a primit un premiu de cariera la Venetia), si Bauer, care am auzit ca e pe ceva gen crack cocaine de 20 de ani (it shows if it does not prove it) e all over it, chewing scenery, si anecdotele sunt copioase !
so enjoy, and say 'ello 2 my lille frend !
Liza Minnelli in Sardi's:
"Al, what did you do to these people ?"-priceless
Watch live streaming video from scarface at
good B-day pentru Brian, pe 11 septembrie, is that Capone still rising ?
bonus: costumele din Scarface, Dress for Excess !

"this might be why your womb is so polluted"-stylish ad for emphysema, around 1982
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