Cosmin 31 Mai, 2008 ora 00.16
Indy 4 vazut de 3 ori? Why? Cea mai slaba poveste din serie, naratiune 0 barat, suspans inexistent, nu imi vine sa cred ca e un film regizat de Spielberg. Am asteptat cu sufletul la gura acest film, m-am dus la avanpremiera digitala si din pacate a fost o crunta dezamagire. Rambo 4 ca sequel nou dupa 20 de ani e infinit mai bun...
alin 31 Mai, 2008 ora 16.33
James Christopher in the London Times concludes his review by proclaiming that the film \"is, quite simply, exquisite nonsense. Welcome back Indy. Lord knows we\'ve missed you.\" And, indeed, most critics echo those cheers. Roger Ebert in the Chicago Sun-Times sums up: \"If you like the other Indiana Jones movies, you will like this one.\" (Clearly Ebert loves this one.) Lou Lumenick in the New York Post has the identical reaction, writing, \"Fans of the series -- you can include me -- will lap it up, flaws and all, and likely make it the summer\'s biggest blockbuster.\" And Joe Neumaier in the New York Daily News describes the movie as \"entertaining, inventive and old-fashioned in the best way.\"
1Cosmin 1 Iunie, 2008 ora 00.10Am citit si eu cam toate review-urile, sunt impartite (asta e clar), dar \"If you like the other Indiana Jones movies, you will like this one\" este cea mai nefericita afirmatie zic eu, daca ti-au placut primele filme o sa fi dezamagit teribil de noul film. Pe (7,3, sub Temple of doom), tinerii sub 18 ani ii dau 8 sau 9 iar cei peste 30 de ani nota 7 sau 6, deci publicul initial al seriei nu e asa fericit. O serie incredibila de cascade fara o poveste reusita pot sa satisfaca publicul de la Transformers, etc, dar nu si publicul inteligent, cu simtul umorului. Sunt si lucruri reusite in film in acest scens dar prea putine totusi. Bine ca macar Clint nu va mai face un nou Dirty Harry, un om cu mult bun simt, by the way, how did you liked Changeling in Cannes?