marți, 29 iunie 2010

Meagdeth -setlist and clips

setlist-13 piese
Holy Wars / de pe Rust in Peace
Hangar 18 /Rust in Peace,
Head Crusher de pe Engame, singura piesa de pe noul album
In My Darkest Hour /So Far, So Good...So What ?
Skin O' My Teeth /Countdown to Extinction
„A tout le monde, a tout mes amis, je vous aime, je dois partir" / Youthansaia
Hook In Mouth /So Far, So Good...So What ?
Trust, de pe Trust
Sweating Bullets" / Countdown to Extinction

Symphony Of Destruction / Countdown to Extinction
She-Wolf (Cryptic Writings)
Peace Sells (But Who’s Buying ?)

luni, 28 iunie 2010

...and now 4 (ze big 4) something completly different...

Sonisphere Finlanda. Kirjurinluoto, Pori, 7 si 8 august. cu totul alt line-up/ se ajunge acolo cu your heart out romexpo la katarg...look at this crowd...

sunt curios cum s-a facut transferul intre Istanbul si Bucuresti, ca noi am avut simultan. Alte tari au avut doar o zi (si o noapte, pina la 6 dimineata-Cehia), Polonia, Elvetia, Grecia-Atena, in parcul Terravibe, so on...istoria completa a festivalului aici..

Stone Sour & Alice in Chains (Sonisphere day 3)

Stone Sour in ultimul lor concert european, zburau dimineata in State

Alice in Chains-not my band, never dar acum cinta mai dur ca atunci

Rammstein la Sonisphere (day three) the videos

cam acelasi show ca la Budapesta, nah, e turneul cu LIFAD
dar acolo a fost frumos cu Mutter si papusile explozive !!!
oricum m-am mirat ca au adus tot arsenalul, uriasa antrepriza, parca era Crucisatorul Potiomkin, hala industriala, setul la Alien3. reminiscente Kraftwerk (claparul sidekick) si ceva expresionist...

Intro cu caderea cortinei la 1.30 si Rammstein, piesa de opening

Benzin !!! la final funny burning man !

intro cu pirotehnii la Ich Tu Dir Weh

Rammstein la Sonisphere (day three)

duminică, 27 iunie 2010

Metallica-Sad But True la Sonisphere

cu publicul, trecind prin public, fast as a shark, la cit de metalizat eram
(sau magnetizat ca a fost seara mea de Death magnetic)

Sonisphere Day Two-The Big Four and many more...

ascult acum Vince Neil, album nou, plin de coveruri ( , >):Tequilla and Tatoos-am aflat de el de la Ticke/Brushvox...Nobody's Fault (sounds like Alice C. dar e Aerosmith de pe Armageddon !!!)
and The Bitch is Back (asta trebe sa fie anul lu' Elton John, Paul Anka a cintat la bis too)
The Big Four n-au cintat impreuna-ca nu se dadea la TV :(
Anthrax a cinat Heaven and Hell la sub 2 minute, mai loser ca vocalul lor e greu sa fii (dar cel nou de la Accept se apropie)

Slayer m-au obosit groaznic si parca era aceiasi piesa intruna, dar,
deh, mie nu mi-au placut niciodata
am avut goosebumps la A Tout Le Monde la Megadeth
am schimbat la jetoane la greu, carlsberg, elephant beer, killkenny, guinness, jeggermaister, si fara mici, etc, a fost o seara grea.
Metallica-foarte cald, foarte bun public, parca toti la unison.
am auzit ca au fot peste 50.000, metalhead zicea spre 60.000, wow !
Cyanide, All Nightmare Long de pe Death Magnetic, asa cum m-am facut si eu !

intro ca de obicei pe Ecstasy of Gold de Morricone cu Elli Wallach alregind pe ecrane gigant (lui Relu i-ar fi placut)

sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010

Accept -clips

London Leatherboys

Wolf Hoffmann solo

Princess of the Dawn (encore)

...the memory still remains...

what do I do now? " said the wiseman
to the fool,
"i have spent my whole life searching, to
find the golden rule,
Though centuries have disappeared, the memory
still remains
Of those enemies together, could it be that way
again? "

Then the fool said "oh you wise men, you
really make me laugh,
With your talk of vast persuasion and searching
through the past,
There is only greed and evil in the men that
fight today,
The song of the crusader has long since gone

Jerusalem is lost,
Jerusalem is lost,
Jerusalem is lost...

Gladiators...we salute you !!!

Pictures from Sonisphere

no exhibition, no midgets, no sex, no drugs, no r'n roll !
but pictures yes !

18 1/2 jetoane worth of it....( 1 jeton-5 ron)
so it goes:
2 jetoane un Guinness
1 1/2 un Jeggermeister (20 ml, MF)
3 1/2 un Jacobson Ale-obscen de scump, dar de la draught si de experimentat
2 jetoane-un Kilkenny
1 1/2 -un Jeggermeister, oups...
1 1/2 jetoane-3 mici (I'm sorry about that...:->)
1 jeton-1 Tuborg (shi donat jumate k era suckky)
2 jetoane-1 Kilkenny
1 1/2 -un Jeggermeister
2 jetoane-1 Guinness
total: 18 1/2 =85 ron for...
a bit of boost...
noroc cu ceva Teleki la masa de prinz (vin roshu unguresc ramas de la Rammstein)
si un Glenlivet mic de la Bv la Ploiesti (digestiv, around 60 ml, ramas de la 1 mai)
iar acum catch up cu Jack and coke (ramas de la Aerosmith, nah, n-am avut cu cine impartzit :->)
I guess it's too much for some, too little to make me go to sleep,
so I'll go out to make end's meet !