luni, 29 mai 2017

Gregg Allman RIP

                                                                  I'll BE HOLDING ON.
                                             the original video from Black Rain (1989)
si intro-ul din film aici 
Gregg Allman died on May 27th. He was 69. He survived his brother Duane for another 46 years. Duane died at 24 ! in 1971 in motorcycle crash. Greg will be buried next to his brother.

sâmbătă, 27 mai 2017

Cannes 70: les soundtracks

citeva note muzicale interesante...
\articol aici 
op sa vreau sa scriu despre muzica din filmele de anul asta, de la Phoenix la The Beguiled, la Alexandre Desplat (le Polanski) la sound designul de la The Killing of a Sacred Deer, la Johnny Greenwood la Lynne Ramsay, la excelentul Good Time, de  compozitorul experimenatal Oneohtrix Point Nevercare a fost deja recompensat cu Cannes Soundtrack Award  Nu am vazut ica 120 BPM unde electroul trebe sa fie maxim !

Carnivalul animalelor -1886 Saint- Saens, tema Festivalului din 1987 via Days of |Heaven -Morricone si Malick

vineri, 26 mai 2017

Cannes 70: Good Time

real Good TIME :, film independent american care aduce a anii 70, Cassavetes , Mean Streets, cu o muzica ultra cool de compozitorul experimental Oneohtrix Point Never., care a luat si premiul Cannes Soundtrack de anul acesta (anul trecut Neon Demon). 
Robert Pattison e excelent in rolul unui delicvent cu un frate autist.
sper sa ia ceva. cel mai inedit regizat (fratii Benny si Josha Safdie) si tempo in afara de Lynne Ramsay, dar nu am vazut 120 BPM.

miercuri, 24 mai 2017

Cannes 70: Nothingwood

Revelatia de azi de la Cannes a fost insa NOTHINGWOOD in Quinzaine, documentar despre actorul superstar afgan Salim SHAHEEN, filmat in muntii diun Afganistan de catre al nostru Alexander Nanau ! Emotionat, inspirational, energetic, vitalist !
review in hollywood reporter 

je reviens

Cannes 70: The Beguiled

Sofia Coppola face remake sau re-ecranizare la THE BEGUILED, dupa romanul southern gotic din 1966 al lui Thomas P. Cullinandar mie filmele mi se par foarte similare si imi pare rau, dar Colin Farrell o fi bun in Killing of The Scared Deer dar sa vezi doua zile la rind filme cu Farrell si Nicole Kidman mi se pare aiurea...
Beguiled ul nou arata extraordinar, e filmat superb de Phillipe Le Sourd, si are set design perfect -prea shiny costumele ca doar nu e bal la Versailles, si muzica de trupa franceza Phoenix (le mari de Sofia), bazata pe Monteverdi.

voila, o fotografie elocvenata din filmul din 1971, Clint in bratele Geraldinei Page, o ipostaza de Christ sacrificat. Oricit o fi ea de Sofia de Coppola, Don Siegel e DON SIEGEL si subiectul atunci era indraznet iar pentru Clint un contraemploi si e un rol extraordinar...

voila si pe Farrell azi, spicuit si barbierit, ca din Mindrie si prejudecata (a mea ?)
deci, mon opinion-vedeti originalul !!!

marți, 23 mai 2017

Cannes 70: The Killing of a Sacred Deer

noul film al lui Yorgos Lathimos,  The Killing of a Sacred Deer  e o drama greaca clasica cu tonuri de film horror, mai ales prin sound design si muzica -care aduce a  The Shining. Colin Farrell -dupa Lobster revine in rolul unui chirurg pe inima, familist cu barba deasa. Nicole Kidman e forte intr-unul din rolurile ei risque -Dogville, Birth, Paper Boy, Eyes White Shut (Kubrick clue). Revelatia este insa un pusti irish pe nume Barry Keoghan, care e mai scary ca fetitele din Exorcistul si Poltergeist combinate. Cit gemenele di  Shining (again).  Alicia Silverstone de nerecunoscut intr-un rol secundar de o scena !
Tematica lui Lantimos e aceiasi din Dogtooth, mai aproape de Tkosd decit Lobster.  Alegoria se refera la cerbul sacru al lui Artemis pe care regele Agamemnon l-a ucis si apoi a fost obligat sa isi sacrifice pentru asta prprua fiica, Ifigenia. subiect de tragedie greaca clasica si piese de teatru, acum adaptata intr-un film dur ca un cosmar lugubru.
2001 -a Deer Odyssey ?

Roger Moore RIP

Sir Roger Moore is no more 
avea 89 de ani.
azi cind se aniverseaza 70 de ani de Cannes.
am gasit o poza cu el si Barbara Bach in fata la Carlton, in 1977 la Cannes, acum 40 de ani !
The Spy Who Loved Me promotion.

unul din eroii mei favoriti din copilarie, Sfintul, lord Brett Sinclair in The Persuaders si James Bond din 1973 -Live and Let Die. pina in 1985 -A View to a Kill -007 filme !
iata-l in Wild Geese -1978, alaturi de prietenii sai hellraisers cu care acum sa intilnit la un drink in barul de sus, Richard Burton si Richard Harris.

Cannes 70: Photo historique

journee historique au Cannes 70 .also veery hot...

Azi se aniverseaza cei 70 de ani de Festival !!!
113 personalitati filmice au facut azi la midi o poza istorica, Doar 6 fotografi au fost admisi la photocall.  Pe primul rind sunt laureatii de Palme d’or-printre care si le notre Cristian Mungiu -in 2007 
Photo de famille.
 Les Palmes Laurent CANTET (Palme d’or 2008), Cristian MUNGIU (Palme d’or 2007), Jerry SCHATZBERG (Palme d’or 1973), Claude LELOUCH (Palme d’or 1966), Michael HANEKE (Palme d’or 2009 - 2012), Jane CAMPION (Palme d’or 1993), Ken LOACH (Palme d’or 2006 - 2016), Nanni MORETTI (Palme d’or 2001), Costa GAVRAS (Palme d’or 1993), Bille AUGUST (Palme d’or 1988 - 1992), Mohammed LAKDAR-HAMINA (Palme d’or 1975) Agnès VARDA (Palme d’Honneur 2015), Jean-Pierre LEAUD (Palme d’Honneur 2016)  Presedinti si membri de Jurii Andrea ARNOLD (Jury 2012), Claudia CARDINALE (Jury 1993), Georges MILLER (Président en 2016), Liv ULLMANN (Présidente en 2001), Catherine DENEUVE (Présidente en 1994), Isabelle HUPPERT (Présidente en 2009), Nicole KIDMAN (Jury 2013)  Juriul 2017Pedro ALMODÓVAR (Président), Maren ADEJessica CHASTAINFAN BingbingAgnès JAOUI, PARK Chan-wook, Will SMITHPaolo SORRENTINO, Gabriel YAREDUma THURMAN (Présidente du Jury Un Certain Regard), Mohamed DIAB (Jury Un Certain Regard), Reda KATEB (Jury Un Certain Regard), Joachim LAFOSSE (Jury Un Certain Regard) Premiile de interpretareVincent LINDON (Prix d'interprétation 2015), Kirsten DUNST (Prix d'interprétation 2011), Elodie BOUCHEZ (Prix d'interprétation 1998), Emilie DEQUENNE (Prix d'interprétation 1999), Mads MIKKELSEN (Prix d’Interprétation 2008 - Jury 2010), Emmanuelle BERCOT (Prix d'interprétation 2015), Christoph WALTZ (Prix d’interprétation 2009), Bérénice BEJO (Prix d'interprétation 2013), Juliette BINOCHE (Prix d’interprétation 2010), Benicio DEL TORO (Prix d’Interprétation 2008 - Jury 2010), Séverine CANEELE (Prix d'interprétation 1999)  Invitatii  Oliver STONEDiane KRUGER (Maîtresse des cérémonies en 2007), Monica BELLUCCI (Maîtresse des cérémonies en 2002 et 2017), Lambert WILSON (Maître des cérémonies en 2014 et 2015), Sandrine BONNAIRE (Présidente Œil d’Or 2017), Nastassja KINSKIGaspar NOE, Abel FERRARA, Salma HAYEK, Sofia COPPOLA, Mathieu KASSOVITZ, Charlize THERON, MAÏWENN, Alfonso CUARON, Guillermo DEL TORODario ARGENTOAlejandro G.INARRITUElle FANNINGAgustin ALMODOVARLaetitia CASTA, Cécile DE FRANCE, Colin FARRELL, Emmanuelle BEART, Valérie DONZELLI, Marion COTILLARD, Nicolas WINDING REFNEmmanuelle DEVOS, Naomi KAWASE, Abderrahmane SISSAKO, Jacques DOILLON, Laura MORANTE (Maîtresse des cérémonies en 2004), Fatih AKIN, André DUSSOLLIER, Tilda SWINTON, Adrian BRODY, Nicole GARCIA, Jean-Pierre JEUNETMarthe KELLER, Michel HAZANAVICIUS, Kristin SCOTT-THOMAS (Maîtresse des cérémonies en 2010), SHU-QIDiego LUNA, Paul LAVERTY, Yorgos LANTHIMOS, Tonie MARSHALL, Elie SULEIMAN, Jerzy SKOLIMOWSKI, Valeria GOLINO, Gael GARCIA BERNAL, Ludivine SAGNIER, Matteo GARRONE, Céline SALLETTE, Antonio BANDERAS, Edouard BAER (Maître des cérémonies en 2008 et 2009), Ariane LABED, Amos GITAIVirginie LEDOYEN (Maîtresse des cérémonies en 2002), Ferid BOUGHEDIRSergio CASTELLITO, JIA Zhang-ke, Alain CAVALIER, Benoit JACQUOT, Raoul PECKBONG Joon-ho, Barbet SCHROEDER, Jean-Paul GAULTIER, Michèle RAY-GAVRAS, Brillante MENDOZA.
video ici -

apoi s-au dus la masa in Agora si mii de curiosi au stat sa le faca poza de aproape cind ieseau.
azi la 7 e supriza, un spectacol aniversar in sala Lumiere. Covorul rosu a inceput la 5, e o nebunie, mai ales dupa atentatul de ieri...meanwhile Sir Roger Moore is no more -(

pentru cei ce vor sa vada evenimentele live iata cannestv canal youtube. enjoy !

luni, 22 mai 2017

Cannes 70: Happy End

le Haneke
dupa ce am vazut Amour in aceiasi sala , azi nebunie la noul Haneke in competitie, HAPPY END,
(titlu ironic biensur) asa ca au SUPLIMENTAT CU UN SPECTACOL LA SOIXTIEME. am fost, am stat ca pe ace primele 45 de min, (filmul are 1 h 47) si apoi m-am regalat cu un soi de cocktail vitriloant acid sarcastic, care mi-a amintit mult de Chabrol, Familia burgheza de grand couture franceza, cu rapel la Amour, Trintignant isi reia rolul, la fel si Isabelle Huppert. Jean Louis Trintignant are 86 de ani, wow ! arata superb in film, un domn batrin, mult prea elegant pentru lumea de azi. Fetita din film e superba, Fantine |Harduin se cheama. Plus Kassovitz, Toby Jones si un soi de cross de Vincent Gallo si Joaquim Phoenix galez (sic): Franz Rogowski (Boxer in Victoria), fiul ratacitor...
Unul din cele mai slab primite critic filme de competitie. Deja vu all over again se va zice. A treia Palme d'Or pentru Hanke, acum la 75 de ani ? Nu cred ca va fi favorizat de juriul lui Almodovar, dar on sait jamais...
Loveless conduce detasat, dar pas vu, a fost in prima azi. Pe Lahtimos il vad miine. Le Redoutable, despre Godard dar comedie a l'italliene- ratatouille.
cronica din Variety aici 

vineri, 19 mai 2017

Cannes 70; Okja

am ajuns din nou la Cannes si azi am apucat sa vad 2 filme 
am avut nororc cu OKJA pt ca toata lumea vrea sa il vada, ocazie unica pe marele ecran pt ca filmul va fi pe netflix pe 28 iunie. Pacat, findca merita vazut in cinema, e o minune de film. Bong Joon Ho s-a intrecut pe sine si a avut si mijloace la dispozitie sa faca un film ultra excentric, un cross de 12 monkeys cu Babe, si chiar ET facut a la Leos Carax. 
Uitati de Babe, este vremea sa va emotionati pentru Okja. Iti vine sa te transformi in vegetearian, desi stim ca suntem the meat eating nations.
filmat merveilleux in digital de Darius Kondji, articol despre asta in indiewire
-premiera de la Lumiere dim la 8.30 a avut probleme tehnice dar filmul a fost primit cu ovatii -4 minute aplauze, not shady..
The film has become a symbol of the streaming giant's disruption of the traditional film business and caused much debate. Netflix plans to release Okja online-only in most markets, leading to criticism from this year's Cannes jury president Pedro Almodovar.
The Spanish director in the jury press conference earlier this week had said that he didn't think the Palme d'Or should be given “to a film that is then not seen on the big screen.”
(I agrre but the film is superb)
Last week, the Cannes festival introduced a new rule, taking effect next year, that only films with theatrical distribution in France can be accepted in competition.
Netflix's other competition title is Noah Baumbach's The Meyerowitz Stories.
deci controversa cu netflix si amazon posibil sa se termine aici, si acestea sa fie singurele filme ale megacompaniilor care sa mai ajunga la un acest tip de festival. 
more here 
Tilda Swinton e minunata, e a doua oara cind lucreaza cu Bong, dupa Snowpiercer. Ea este Lucy Mirando (si soar ei geamana Nancy), o afacerista horatita sa revolutioneze industria GMO, cu rezulatae cele putin scary !

despre film am sa povestesc mai pe larg in revista Cineamp de vara.  proiectia de presa de dimineata a fost primul scandal al festivalului, la Lumiere s-a proiecat formatul gresit, s-a huiduit copios, s-a oprit si repornit. dar e nimic fata de alerta cu bomba de la Cannes ;)

joi, 18 mai 2017

Chris Cornell RIP

Chris Cornell gone,. the man from Soundgarden, Audioslave. Great voice, great musician.
Avea 52 de ani. In Detroit unde era in turneu. Om vedea de ce. Pina atunci you know the name...
imi aduc aminte de ca de fiecare data cind e Cannes-ul moare cite un muzician important, nu ca ar avea vreo legatura. de data asta am aflat de Cornell de dimineata, in Bucuresti.
articol in The Guardian aici
update despre moarte pe pollstar

"life is gone with just a spin of the wheel"

luni, 15 mai 2017

Powers Boothe RIP

Bill Paxton, Michael Parks, now Powers Boothe -2017 it's getting a sad list for heavyweights, grand actors of cult films for the 70's generation. Boothe was an excellent actor, texan and he would've been 69 on June 1st. It's reported he died in his sleep. He was playing heavyweights in Walter Hil''s films (Extreme Prejudice)  up to senators in Sin City . Villain in Sudden Death (the biggest Van Damme vehicle next to Time Cop).
Brillinat as the lead in SOUTHERN COMFORT (1981), still one of the best films unknown to audiences, great in Red Dawn, A Breed Apart, the father in Emerald Forest, Tombstone,  U Turn, Nixon !
I saw him face to face at the Kevin Costner & Modern West concert in Bucharest, when they were filming here The Hatfields and McCoys.

His 1st major role was as Rev. Jim Jones in the TV movie  Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones (1980 TV Movie). Director: William A. Graham 
More TV in Philip Marlowe: Private Eye (1983-1986), up to 24, Nashville, Deadwood, and last in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (via Avengers).
Saw this winter again on dvd Southern Comfort to celebrate Walter Hill's 70the Birthday. Then Bill Paxton died and I re-saw Frailty (2001) which he directed and Boothe is the FBI agent McConaughey tells his mad yarn. Then just last week when Rambo was on TV I was looking at Richard Creena's colonel Trautman and remembered Boothe's parodic take on the role in McGruber  as colonel Faith !
Variety article here !

duminică, 14 mai 2017

Deep Purple setlist Romexpo 13.05.2017

primul concert din turneul INFINITE

Deep Purple  at Romexpo, Bucharest, Romania 
Tour: The Long Goodbye
13 mai 2017 -1st gig of the tour


Time for Bedlam  (Infinite-2013)
Johnny’s Band (Infinite)
The Surprising (Infinite)
Birds of Prey (Infinite)
Hell to Pay (Now What ?-2013)
Uncommon Man ((Now What ?-2013)
Perfect Strangers (PF-1984)
Highway Star
Space Truckin'
Hush (Joe South cover)
Black Night

vineri, 12 mai 2017

De ce trebuie sa ii vezi miine pe Deep Purple ?

read this

Lars Ulrich's induction -FINALLY -in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2016
Induction speech -Gillan, Glover, Paice, sotia lui Jon Lord, Coverdale si Glenn Hughes (Blackmore awol :(

si performance-ul trupei

puteti citi ce am scris despre Deep Purple, concertul nou si ultimul lor album INFINITE  in noul numar din revista SUNETE, coming soon, sfirsit de mai !
PINA ATUNCI THO, veniti miine seara la concert ! i guess it's the last time you're gonna see them !
It can make a grown man cry" / yes, aslo a blind one/ we still Childing in time....

Desperados Under the Eaves-Warren Zevon (SOTD)

"Desperados Under the Eaves" is a song written and performed by Warren Zevon from the 1976 album Warren Zevon. The song describes the narrator's growing alcoholism ("all the salty margaritas in Los Angeles; I'm going to drink them up") and laments that no matter what occurs, he will wind up paying the bill for his low rent digs at the Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel. It ends with him listening to the sound of the air conditioner humming and converting the hum to the repeated chorus "look away down Gower Avenue," which is sung with greater hope than the somewhat morose tone of the rest of the song. This song features background vocals from Carl Wilson of The Beach Boys. When conducting the string section for this song, Zevon kept the veteran players "on his side" with pre-written humor. Zevon has said in interviews that this is one of his most personal songs.

Written By Warren Zevon
published by Warner-Tamerlane/Darkroom Music BMI, 1976

I was sitting in the Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel
I was staring in my empty coffee cup
I was thinking that the gypsy wasn't lyin'
All the salty margaritas in Los Angeles
I'm gonna drink 'em up

And if California slides into the ocean
Like the mystics and statistics say it will
I predict this motel will be standing until I pay my bill

Don't the sun look angry through the trees
Don't the trees look like crucified thieves
Don't you feel like Desperados under the eaves
Heaven help the one who leaves

Still waking up in the mornings with shaking hands
And I'm trying to find a girl who understands me
But except in dreams you're never really free
Don't the sun look angry at me

I was sitting in the Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel
I was listening to the air conditioner hum
It went mmmmmm..
........................... Look away..........................................
(Look away down Gower Avenue, Look away....)

-great version of the song on Letterman by the DAWES

and a beautiful cover of DUTE by his friend Jackson Browne here

linked with Desperados Waiting For a Train !
and that one, with Eagles' Desperado ! so on and so forth, the air conditioner hums.....

Feud (2017)

a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute.
"his long-standing feud with Universal Pictures"
be engaged in a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute.

"Hoover feuded with the CIA for decades"

Feud : Bette and Joan is my favorurite film series this year so far.
Feud: Bette and Joan in white on crimson background

miercuri, 10 mai 2017

Alien: Covenant (2017)

After Prometheus (my review here-in Romanian !) Ridley is back to the Alien series with a third film. 
I wrote BEFORE in Cinemap in a piece on this years's most anticipated films:
"This year Ridley Scott will be 80 and it's 38 years since Alien. I hope sir Ridley will not fail and the movie will contiune the series further from  Prometheus. To be a sequel and not a remake. The trailer put me off a bit, where are the days of a subtle trailer like the 1st Alien, whose slogan was „In Space No one Can Hear You Scream”. Here the slogan is RUN."
and HIDE !

the Covenat is SPOT ON. Great sequel to PROMETHEUS.  Filled with Xenomorphs. And thinking man's philosophy of gods and (im)mortality.
Original title Alien: Paradise Lost would've been more of a spoiler as John Milton's quotes are used: "Better to rule..."
Danny McBride is great in his 1st dramatic role and Michael Fassbender is spellbinding as David & Walter (names coming from exec prods David Giler and Walter Hill !!!). Great art design and dark, bleak, by Chris Seagers, former Tony Scott collaborator ! All the Giger shades are there !

Great score by newcomer Jed Kurzel (Snowtown, Macbeth, Assasin's Creed) with homages to Jerry Goldmith's Alien and Harry Gregson-Williams's Prometheus. Plus Wagner's  Rheingold and...John Denver !
Waiting now for the THIRD part, already announced, shooting starts in 14 months.
**** /8 OUT OF 10
CLUES: BLADE RUNNER -from the opening eye, Dr. STRANGELOVE, 2001, OZZYMANDIS poem by Shelley.
Here are some extra scenes that enlarge the mythology and story:
-The Last Supper Clip
-the alternate beginning/prologue:  

-Birth of Walter (from min.1):

Bonus: VR Experience: IN UTERO
"As acts of creation go, Scott has made an “Alien” movie for that segment of the audience that has always rooted for the monster."

Michael Parks RIP

To-day 10 May mr. Michael Parks left the movies and the planet. He was 77.
 Just saw the begininig of From Dusk Til Dawn on Netflix  a few days ago, I haven't seen it since it came out I guess, I was noticing Parks in the opening scene, and then now, opening the imdb, blam....:( A character actor par excelence, with way over 100 films on his resume, Parks was Tarantino and Kevin Smith's favourite bit player. Tusk, Red State, Django Unchained. Ambroice Bierce in From Dusk til Dawn 3, Texas Ranger Earl McGraw in Kill Bill and in the "Grindhouse" pictures. Also a country music performer. Also in Twin Peaks series.
Last film I've seen him in, Blood Father, last year in Cannes midnight screenings.
Article in USA Today with tribute from Robert Rodriguez.

luni, 8 mai 2017

Blade Runner 2049 -le trailer


Cel mai aștepat film al anului. În 1982  Ridley Scott a schimbat istoria cinematografului cu cel mai adult film SF, Blade Runner / Vînătorul de recompense (Odiseea spațială-2001 al lui Kubrick, e mai mult un eseu art-house, nu chiar film narativ). Deşi considerat sacrosant, s-a vorbit demult de un sequel. Odată anunţat canadianul Dennis Villeneuve (Sicario, Arrival) ca regizor am simţit că proiectul are şanse de reuşită. Ingrediente: Ridley Scott producător executiv, Harrison Ford prezent în distribuţie ca Dekkard, şi pe post de continuator  al rolului, Ryan Gosling-cel mai în vogă actor al lumii după La La Land, un director de imagine magistral: Roger Deakins şi Jóhann Jóhannsson pe post de Vangelis (in final l-au adus pe Hans Zimmer & Benjamin Wallfish :().  Sper ca Harrison Ford să facă mai mult decât în Star Wars–The ForceAwakens

LE (later edit): ...shi n-au invins... :(((

vineri, 5 mai 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 2

Guradians Vol. 2 is out ! and it's gonna sell a lot of records ! Or just make more people listen to some great songs ! loved the teaser poster in which they all look like a punk group esp. due to Michael Rooker (Tandu)'s electric mohawk ! actually I think it's a riff on the Ramones cover of Rocket to Russia !

Image result for guardians of the galaxy vol 2Related image
 The film itself is funnier and more emotional than the 1st one (though overlong) and has the ELO song "Mr. Blue Sky" as the 1st one was supposed to have "living Thing". I'm glad Jeff Lyne is getting more consideration, after American Hustle where he actually had also original songs...then Sweet and Fleetwood Mac, Cheap Trick (more of a rocking approech) a and a very touchy Father and Son -Cat before he was Yusuf...better choice of songs than the 1st one !!!  Baby Groot dances exquisetly and Kurt Russell is great as EGO ! To be seen on the Big screen (IMAX if possible) ! We Are Groot !!!

00:00 1. Electric Light Orchestra - Mr Blue Sky
05:08 2. Sweet - Fox On The Run
08:39 3. Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah - Lake Shore Drive
12:30 4. Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
17:00 5. Sam Cooke - Bring It On Home To Me
19:46 6. Glen Campbell - Southern Nights
22:49 7. George Harrison - My Sweet Lord
27:28 8. Looking Glass - Brandi
30:39 9. Jay & The Americans - Come A Little Bit Closer
33:25 10. Silver - Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang
36:59 11. Cheap Trick - Surrender
41:11 12. Cat Stevens - Father and Son
44:53 13. Flash Light - Parliament
50:41 14. The Sneepers - Guardians Inferno ft. David Hasselhoff