duminică, 31 octombrie 2010

RIP George Hickenlooper

announced by A.C. by sms.
dupa imdb:
Director George Hickenlooper has passed away at age 47. Best known for directing the 1991 documentary Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse--on the making of Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now--Hickenlooper was preparing for the release of Casino Jack. The Hickenlooper-directed drama stars Kevin Spacey as disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. George was so excited to see the picture finds its way to release through Ato Pictures, after showing it at numerous festivals this year, and he was particularly proud of the performance turned in by Spacey. The film will open December 17 in New York and Los Angeles. He leaves behind a son, Charles.

a mai facut The Man From Elysian Fields (2001, cu Mick Jagger(sir) si James Coburn) si The Big Brass Ring (1999, dupa scenariul lui Orson Welles, ultimul sau(O.W.)proiect neterminat..., Factory Girl (2006, despre Edie Sedwick (Sienna Miller), vedeta lui Andy Warhol si for a short while fling-ul lui Bob Dylan, documentarul Mayor of the Sunset Strip (2003) despre impresarul pop Rodney Bingenheimer, i a debutat cu filmuletzul despre Dennis Hopper, Art, Acting, and the Suicide Chair: Dennis Hopper in 1998...
all the young dudes...it's a real shame...

un interviu cu el pe film freak central
He was found dead in Denver on Saturday. He was 47. The immediate cause of death was not known (just on listening to Warren'Z.s Things To Do in Deenver When You're Dead)

sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2010

Herbie Hancock la Sala Palatului

ca e obicei se pare ca unii oameni s-au dus nepregatiti la Hancock. Scrie acolo IMAGINE PROJECT TOUR, si te intrebi de ce cinta Don't Give Up, si Times Are A Changin' si Imagine ? Well, de aia. Si Kristin Train e minunata, si ca prezenta si ca singe norvegian, si ca voce si ca violonista. Si restul trupei, Greg Phillinganes-keyboards, vocal, (care a mai fost in Ro cu Michael Jackson), Lionel Loueke-guitar, James Genus-bass, Trevor Lawrence Jr-drums. Prezentarile lui Herbie H., calde, extrem de inteligente si prezenta a la Denzel si Miles, placerea lor de a cinta si tempoul (2 ore si 20 the whole gig), probabil concertul de jazz al anului la Bucuresti !
*Nicholas Cage care filmeaza Ghost Rider 2 la noi a fost si el la concert, eu nu
l-am vazut, dar el l-a vazut dupa aia in culise pe Herbie si probabil ca ua fost la un schpritz impreuna! eu am fost cu Terje la Charlatans si la "the black lodge" Che Pasa, asta e, ficare cu ce are si ce poate ! El inchide Transfagarasanul, noi circiumile halloweeniene :)
s-a cintat de pe Imagine, Imagine (Lennon), Don't Give Up (Peter Gabriel), Times Are A Changin' (Dylan), A Change is Gonne Come (Dylan), Tamantat Tilay-Exodus !
si Actual Proof, Watermelon Man, Space Captain, Court And Spark, Maiden Voyage, Round Midnight, Cantaloupe Island, Rock It si Chameleon la bis !
aici toate clipurile de la concert, unele de calitate senzationala, HD.
Imagine !

Actual Proof

Watermelon Man

Maiden Voyage, Round Midnight, si Cantaloupe Island

Chameleon (la encore)

vineri, 29 octombrie 2010

Herbie Hancock T minus 4 ore

Herbie Hancock & his band- chitaristul Lionel Loueke, basistul James Genus, toboşarul Trevor Lawrence Jr., Greg Phillinganes, keyboards si Kristina Train -voce
Hancock s-a nascut in 1940 la Chicago a inceput sa cinte cu Miles Davis in 1963. Are peste 50 de albume, 12 Grammy-uri, a facut muzica la primul Death Wish si a luat Oscarul pentru cea la Round Midnight (1986, apare si in filmul lui Tavernier)! so o mega-legenda de jazz, tonite in Buch !
o sa se cinte de pe noul sau proiect, IMAGINE ! interpretari proprii la piese Beatles si alte coveruri

Autobiografia lui N.C. de azi in cinematografe...

prezentat la Cannes in afara competitiei, filmul lui Andrei Ujica de 3 ore, un eseu cinematografic, despre cum ar fi fost autobiografia lui Ceasca, promoavarea contine un trailer de Adrian Sitaru de vazut mai ales de cei care n-au trait iepoca de aur , dupa cum e trailerul lui Marian Crisan ! si 2 cocalaresti gen MST3K de Radu Jude !

RIP Lisa Blount

actrita avea 53 de ani. Devenise intre timp producator.
Dar in anii '80 era vedeta sexy din Ofiter si Gentleman, Prince of Darkness, Blind Fury.

vineri, 22 octombrie 2010

Laurie Anderson la Bucuresti, Tiger Lillies too...

as in : Ce concerte mai sunt de vazut anul asta ? pe linga Marky Ramone (27 oct, Silver Church), Herbie Hancock (29 oct Sala palatului), Anathema (19 noiembrie, Arenele Romane), Paul Gilbert (4 dec, Silver Church) si Steve Vai (8 dec sala polivalenta), Yann Tiersen (9 dec, Silver Church)

am aflat ca multi nu stiu despre acest festival, Viata de frumoasa, unde anul trecut au fost Tiger Lillies...acum mai vin odata
si for the first time ever in Ro; Laurie Anderson...11 noiembrie, la Teatrul National de Opereta Ion Dacian
a scos album nou, Homeland...ajutata de Lou (Reed), care-i e si sot !
iar Tiger Lillies cinta la Sala Radio pe 7 noiembrie, the usual “SONGS FROM THE SHOCKHEADED PETER AND OTHER GORY VERSES”

piesa zilei/noptii : Warren Zevon-Play it All Night Long ! (SOTD)

jee boyoz, this is a tough one ! dar trebuie pusa aici pt fanii de southern rock, to get it: e un combo de Sweet Home Alabama cu Werewolves of London cu satira din Southern Man, reluata de Lynyrd in Southern Ways! o versiune geniala piano based unplugged din 1994 aici (cu o infuzie scurta de "Dixie") download moca la concertul de Wheeler Opera House, Aspen, Colorado, aici de asta e All Summer Long cool si uncool, pentru ca Kid Rock citeaza Sweet Home A. si Werewolves linia melodica si a creat un worldwide hit, si pustii nu stiu nimic nici de L.Skynyrd , cit despre Warren Z, he is gonna be remembered as the best kept secret in RnR ! the Norwegian Roland's friends know, though ! so i wasn't so surprised when I saw this: Drive By Truckers, doing it a la Tom Petty... si aici the one and only truly Genius:->..Warren Z ! (around 1982) piesa a aparut original pe Bad Luck in Dancing School (1980) !!!! written by Warren Zevon 1980 Zevon Music BMI
Grandpa pissed his pants again He don't give a damn Brother Billy has both guns drawn He ain't been right since Vietnam "Sweet home Alabama" Play that dead band's song Turn those speakers up full blast Play it all night long Daddy's doing Sister Sally Grandma's dying of cancer now The cattle all have brucellosis We'll get through somehow "Sweet home Alabama" Play that dead band's song Turn those speakers up full blast Play it all night long I'm going down to the Dew Drop Inn See if I can drink enough There ain't much to country living Sweat, piss, jizz and blood "Sweet home Alabama" Play that dead band's song Turn those speakers up full blast Play it all night long
* well dudes, as Warren said: Enjoy every Sandwich ! I did 2 /am 2 !

joi, 21 octombrie 2010

Printre colinele verzi (1971)

am vazut in fine filmul lui Nicolae Breban, dupa cartea sa, Animale Bolnave, aparuta in 1968, prezentat la Cannes in sectiunea oficiala in 1971.
In aceptia mea un film aberant, un giallo apocaliptic filosofico-mistic-religios, si reprezentarea a ceea ce mai tirziu Ceausescu avea sa denunte in Tezele de la Mangalia drept "arta degenerata, decadenta" !
Un film romanesc unic, curio, total vraiste, cu imagine bravada/gherilla de Aurel Kostrachievici si muzica jazzy de Tiberiu Olah, cu o distributie sa-i zicem cult, Dan Nutu as witness, Mircea Albulescu as another Jack Elam impersonation :), Ion Caramitru (politistul anti-sitem), Ion Dichiseanu (politistul tortionar), Vasile Nitulescu (fanaticul religios), Emilia Dobrin (the beauty) si Ion Besoiu intr-un curios extended cameo.
am gasit o singura imagine, nici o cronica, se pare ca Breban e si el super-nemultumit de film, e livresc cu o suita de vocie overuri din carte care te inebunesc dar are si ceva spellbinding, atmosfera satului de munte, barca, gara si personajele , totul oarecum suprarealist ca in literatura sud americana. In fine, ca specie si mesaj se inrudeste cu My Joy al lui Serghei Loznitza, sau Frankenstein Tender Son al lui Mindrucsko prezentate in acest festival al lui Mungiu cu "filmele de Cannes la Bucureti". Am auzit ca Breban, care are 76 de ani, a fost la Bucuresti, pentru a-si prezenta filmul vinerea trecuta, nu gasesc nici un info despre Q and A, si despre ce crede despre filmul sau azi ! Atuni insa, in 1968, a avut o putere unica, si pentru un stat totalitar, si pentru un scriitor chmat sa-si adapteze propria scriere desi avea experienat zero in cinema, dar am aflat ca in 1968, Breban era membru al Comitetului central (al PCR, nn pentru cei din noua orinduire :D !!!
Cu juma de ora mai scurta (are 2 ore), sau macar 20 de minute, cu voiceoverurile infinite taiate, sau periate drastic, cu un lucru pe sunet nou si remasterizat filmul ar putea avea o noua viata. Dar asta poate daca atr fi fost un curio italienesc (gen Malastrana lui Aldo Lado sau Non si Sevizia un paperino al lui Fulci-cu care zic eu ca seamana), dar fiind romanesc poate fi pus alaturi de Reconstituirea, Secvente, Dincolo de nisipuri, Meandre, 100 de lei si... Maiorul si moartea, filme uitate care au fost cu totul altfel decit ceea ce cerea cinematografia socialista din epoca de aur a lui N.C. Sa nu uitam ca momentul cind a fost facut filmul a fost cel mai liber din Romania, imediat dupa vizita lui Nixon si atitudinea pro-vestica si anti-sovietica a lui Ceausescu. As indrazni sa numesc acest film The Last Movie (nu numai pentru ca sunt din acelasi an),al cinematografie romanesti...si daca ar fi fost facut intr-un sistem comercial viabil ar fi fost un flop de rasunet dar si-ar fi consolidat o reputatie cult/curio/psychotronica !

The LAST WALTZ la Big Mamou asta seara la 9 !

in acelasi timp cu filmele de la Cannes, am sa dau primul ROCK MOVIELAND la clubul Big Mamou (vezi dreapta, click pe macheta), si am ales filmul lui Martin Scorsese, The LAST WALTZ din 1978,
cu The Band si invitatii lor (Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Neil Young, Dr. John, Joni Mitchell, Ringo Starr, Van Morrison), rockumentar esential si highly influential, dupa unii cel mai bun film rock si cel care a deschis seria e la Spinal tap la Anvil si Shine a Light.
Am sa prezint filmul acolo. Intrarea libera !

Concurs foto part 16: Muzica...

Notre musique

Raul Kusak la Hendrixperience

Hendicxi (Relu Calin on air(wine) guitar, George Baicea-guitar, Steve Clarke-umbrella)

Jean Luc Ponty la Sala Palatului
puteti vota aici

marți, 19 octombrie 2010

Comedy Cluj 2010 pix

cum zicea LSD, the power of a flower...

nici o legatura cu filmele, just better...

Concurs foto part 14: Ziar...

foarte rar iti vine sa pozezi chestii din ziare,
however these are three heroes of mine i took snapshots of...
One (Neil Young setlist)


Three (Iggy on french mag on Preliminaries)

puteti vota aici if u want

Enter the Void today !!!

La Studio la 12 film shock ENTER THE VOID al lu Gaspar Noe,
Cu Q n A afterwards cu el lui meme
Parerea mea e ca e un kurio kare merita,
acum am aflat de el el ca se da versiunea de 150 min

in cadrul fest-ului lui Mungiu, Les Films de Cannes...
vazut de je in cadrul festivalierului de la Cannes in 2009 si declarat masterpiss, dar gindit si revenit apoi asupra lui si acum dorit de revazut je ne sais pas pourquoi sau je sais :D

luni, 18 octombrie 2010

Keef in Piratii 4 ! Ronnie, Jerry Lee and Solomon Burke 2 !

n-am mai bagat de mult o stire de film dar asta m-a bucurat, pt ca se zice ca va fi mai mult decit un cameo al lui Keef,

aici toata prestatia sa din film
si va aparea si Mom :D, dont know who, dont know when...
si aici extra-urile despre personjul sau, capitanul Teague din extraurile de pe dvd...

stirea din empire da un link intr-un excelent articol din Reuters despre soon in print (26 octombrie, sub titlul LIFE), autobiografia lui Keith Richards, eu deocamdata mai spicuiesc din his wisdom din Stone ME ! (thanx again M:)

"Well, I'm not putting death on the agenda, I don't want to see my old friend Lucifer just yet."(gotta love Keef !)
& in the other Rolling Stones news, Ronnie Wood a scos un album solo, primul in 9 ani, intitulat I Feel Like Playing, articolul aici
mai apar Slash, Billy Gibbons,Ian McLagan,Bobby Womack, Flea si Bernard Fowler.

si va recomand si albumul nou al lui Jerry Lee Lewis, Mean Old Man pe care apar Keef si Ronnie (si Jagger 4 that matter)./ Jerry Lee are 75 de ani, l-am vazut in Brasov in 1992 or so, maaan !

si un ultim tribut legendei soul, Solomon Burke, the Bishop of Soul, mort la 70 de ani, in aeroprtul din Amsterdam, in timpul turneului !
Cel mai mare hit al sau, "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love," a fost cintat de Rolling Stones, Wilson Pickett si, cel mai faimos, de "The Blues Brothers." RIP !

Concurs foto part 13: Espresso...





daca va plac ma puteti vota aici

sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010

Comedy Cluj 2010 DREI

so, all's well when it ends well.
acum am dat premiile, eu pe cel pentru cea mai buna regie, HIPSTERS -Valeri Teodorovsky.
cel mai bun film, Brand Nue Dae, care se da chiar acum
actor: Sacha din Liebe Mauer
actrita, olandeza din Tiramisu
sceanriu: belgianul Les Barons
Premiu Publicului+ Nunta in Basarabia, Nap si Logigan pe scena,
excelentza: Sebastian Papaiani si Geo Saizescu
2 Diverstisi cu un show hilar,
ploua si vremea s+a belit, anul trecut a fost mereu asa, acum abia la grand finale, ieri stateam pe o terase pe dealul Feleacului, next 2 the cherry tree-no Checkhov :D

azi rain si The Wall in Casa Talhauser Jazz bar non+stop
tb concluded

joi, 14 octombrie 2010

Comedy 2010 deux

au trecut multe zile si n-am apucat deloc sa bloghez, totul e hectic si alergatura, dar im not complaining, vremea e minunata (da, pt ca mi-am uitat ochelarii acasa),
am vazut si eu in fine Hipsters, muzicalul rusesc, care e excelent, si alte filme din competitie, Lieber Mauer mi-a pacut si m-a emotionat, a fost si Nap cu Basarabenii lui, sala ful, am vazut si salina de la Turda, wow, si asta mi-a adus aminte de chilieni, si ieri am stat cu sufletul la gura sa vad cum i-am scos, si s-a terminat in 24 de ore, la 4 dimineata, ..33 de oameni din care cel mai batrin de 63 de ani, 69 de zile la 80 de metri sub pamint. Se face film cu Jacier Bardem. Acum merg sa vad australianul Brand New Day, in timp ce Marlon Brando e japonez fake pe tcm la Okinawa.
am inchis si 30plusul mereu pe piesa GNR Pradise City, dar deja I did my dues, karaokele de ieri a fost de fapt pour je duminica, cu Eye of the Tiger, All Summer Long si Sweet Home Alabama...

sâmbătă, 9 octombrie 2010

Comedy Cluj 2010 UNU

sunt la Comedy Cluj pt a doua oara. Acum in juriu, singurul roman ! :)
am ajuns ieri si vremea e mult mai buna ca la Bucuresti sau Brasov,unde a venit iarna (vrajbei cui ?).
Sunt noua filme in competitie, acum merg sa-l vad pe primul, germanul Liebe Mauer.
Ieri a inceput festul, cu o proiectie pe 35 mm la The Boat That Rocked al lui Richard Curtis, unul din filmele mele preferate de anul asta, pe care l-am vazut pe dvd si am scris atunci cronica. A fost o vizionare intensa in sala friguroasa si imensa de la Republica, (cam 1000 de persoane si desi nu erau toti tineri se pare ca le-a placut), e un film eminamente cult, si mi-a palcut din nou...I Laghed, I cried, I almost drowned :), cu soundtrackul exceptional si cu Kenneth Branagh in full John Cleese mood. La revizionare i-am mai dat juma de punct, deci 4 din 5, 8 din 10, pentru ca se leaga mai bine. Bine ca a fost varianta europeana, nu cut-ul american denumit Pirate Radio, cu juma de ora mai scurt, astept director's cut-ul extended cu scenele taiate, care l-ar duce la 3 ore.
Ok, then soarea si am ajuns tirziu si la 30 PLUS, clubul voluntarilor, unde am ascultat de toate, the club that rocked, de la Iris si pasarea Colibri la The Boss, Parov Stelar, Michael Jackson, Bee Gees, Ac/dc si GnR. Miercuri ar fi acolo karaoke, poate ma duc sa fac versiunea mea crooner la The Ace of Spades :)
Multumurile mele specialee fetelor care au facut ca noaptea sa zboare !
To be continued...

joi, 7 octombrie 2010

Concurs foto part 11: Pacat...

Biserica din Malcoci (Tulcea) care sta sa se darime

si pe descopera.ro din 2009, inainte de prabusire cu amvon intreg
am fost aici dupa hendrixperience si era ceva senzational de facut film si doc.
si iata si o stenograma din 2007
in care se zice ca nu s-a facut nimic din 2001
si articol din Libertatea

puteti vota aici

miercuri, 6 octombrie 2010

Piesa zilei 6.10.10: Ozzy-How ?

500.000 rock & metal videos on ROCKTUBE and METALHEAD
Ozzy a facut un cover dupa piesa lui John Lennon de pe IMAGINE,
a mai avut unul la Working Class Hero pe albumul Under Cover (2005)
Lennon s-a nascut pe 9 octombrie 1940 si a murit pe 8 decembrie 1980.
Ar fi avut 70 de ani peste 3 zile !
incasarile vor fi donate Amnesty International !!!

How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?
How can I go forward when I don't know which way to turn?
How can I go forward into something I'm not sure of?
Oh no, oh no
How can I have feeling when I don't know if it's a feeling?
How can I feel something if I just don't know how to feel?
How can I have feelings when my feelings have always been denied?
Oh no, oh no

You know life can be long
And you got to be so strong
And the world is so tough
Sometimes I feel I've had enough

How can I give love when I don't know what it is I'm giving?
How can I give love when I just don't know how to give?
How can I give love when love is something I ain't never had?
Oh no, oh no

You know life can be long
You've got to be so strong
And the world she is tough
Sometimes I feel I've had enough

How can we go forward when we don't know which way we're facing?
How can we go forward when we don't know which way to turn?
How can we go forward into something we're not sure of?
Oh no, oh no

yep !

Concurs foto part 10: Intim...

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marți, 5 octombrie 2010

Piesa zilei (2.10.10): Ozzy-Ferries Wear Boots !

Fairies Wear Boots (Black Sabbath) live in Bucharest !

piesa zilei 5.10.10: Dio-The Last in Line!

great song, great video !
from 1984's album with the same name !
somehow i feel im the last in line !

We're a ship without a storm
The cold without the warm
Light inside the darkness that it needs, yeah

We're a laugh without a tear
The hope without the fear
We are coming - home

We're off to the witch
We may never never never come home
But the magic that we'll feel
Is worth a lifetime

We're all born upon the cross
The throw before the toss
You can release yourself
But the only way is down

We don't come alone
We are fire we are stone
We're the hand that writes
Then quickly moves away

We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line
We're the last in line

Two eyes from the east
It's the angel or the beast
And the answer lies between
The good and bad

We search for the truth
We could die upon the tooth
But the thrill of just the chase
Is worth the pain

Repeat chorus

We're off to the witch
We may never never never come home
But the magic that we'll feel
Is worth a lifetime

We're all born upon the cross
The throw before the toss
You can release yourself
But the only way you go is down

Repeat chorus

Cronica mea la concertul Guns N Roses

aparuta finally pe HBOCLUB, unde am trimis-o acum o saptamina fixxx

thx to Dinu (on pix me and Dj AShba on the back)

luni, 4 octombrie 2010

Marky Ramone's Blitzkrieg 2008

decembrie 2008 la Preoteasa, proaspat devenita Silver Church !

acum Marky se intoarce pe 27 spetembrie, same place, more opening acts.
50 ron la intrare plus ce mai betzi !
iata ce am filmat in 2008.
clip 1:
include 4 piese:: I Just Wanna Sniff Some Glue, Rockawy Beach, Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment and Rock n roll Highschool.

clip 2:
I believe in Miracles !

piesa zilei4.10.10: Nanowar-The Number of the Bitch

Forgive me, oh mum and dad
For the telecom sent the bill with wrath,
But I believed that the call was short
Let him who hasn't a girlfriend
Go and call the number of the bitch
Even if it is an expensive number, this number is 166 166 166

I was alone, I took the phone,
I needed time to think the number I saw on tv
Who did I hear! can I believe
A pack of horny lesbians howling back at me
I've always thought, I've always dreamed
Of magic whores to come and perform sodomy
'Cos in my dreams, it's always there
One dirty slut who takes my dick orgasming to despair

Night was black and I wanted to fuck
I've passed all night to see, Rocco's films on tv
In Netherlands the whores are close at hand
But in Italy, they're pretty hard to see

166 the number of the bitch
Hot chat line is going on tonight

You can go on, 'till the end of the road
You just have to be aware, shemales who hide out there
In the night, cars' lights are flashing bright
Bitch-hunting has begun, sexual work is done!

166 the numer of the bitch
30 euro the price for you and me

Pigs and gays, and everyone who says
" I am too arrapate, to stop to masturbate"
Take the phone, order some whores at home
They come to... make it rise and melt it down like ice

166 the number of the bitch
144 the number of the whore

To a sexy shop, I will return
And I will get more videos and hotter stuff of porn
I have the programs on pay TV
I have the hands to make libido take its course

Concurs foto-part 9: Piata...

viata continua..si concursul G2 (sa nu ma intrebati de ce particip dar daca am inceput...)
am pus asa: 3 F pt g2

fishmarket Napoli

flea market Berlin

fruit market Istanbul
puteti vota aici

Yoda si Vader in Tom Tom V.O. Sessions

Lucas nu vinde numai jucarele, acum pune vocile din Star Wars pe gps.
Good, right on the money idea si stiu ca unii din voi o sa fiti tentati sa auziti Roundabound in masina, dar pe de alta parte mi se pare ca au joined the dark side :->

Vader (via Dan :)


duminică, 3 octombrie 2010

trupa (si piesa) zilei (3.10.10): Nanowar of Steel

intru pe blog la Ticke si ma surprinde un disc nou,
si o trupa fantsamagorica, de tipul Dread Zeppelin sau Spinal Tap, italienii (napoletani) de la Nanowar of Steel, care se prezinta singuri:
"Other bands play, Nanowar gay "!

NanowaR is the TRUEST metal band in the known universe. No heavy true metal band can be as heavy true and metal as Nanowar is. Even though propaganda states that Nanowar started their activity in 2003, many archeologists claim to have found undeniable proofs of Nanowar's existence dating back to 2003 B.C., when Ozzy was only three years old. Nanowar is the only EPIC - POWER - TRUE METAL band who actually killed a dragon. That's for real ! It happened in the Gargalord Ancient Valley a couple of weeks ago.
sunt sigur ca sunt un spin in coasta sau anusul lui Joey Di Maio und Manowar...
dar parodiaza cu succes si trupe ca Metallica (Master of Pizza), Iron maiden, Motley Crue, Judas Priest, Queen, etc...
autorii epicelor: Trycicles of Steel, Triumphant March of the Nano-Warrior (cu versuri precum: TRIUMPHANT MARCH OF THE NANOWARRIOR GOING TO HI GRANMA LIVING ON THE HILLS!!!TRIUMPHANT MARCH OF THE NANOWARRIOR CROSSING THE PATH THROUGH THE FOREST OF STEEL!!!, Odino and Valhalla, To Kill The Dragon You Need A Sword (T.K.T.D.W.A.S. aah...put it in your ass), da sunt o trupa cam homo-fobica...dar Other bands play, Nanowar gay...

trupa e: Uinona Raider - Drums
Mohammed Abdul - Guitars, Choirs
Potowotominimak - Vocals, Orals
Gatto Panceri 666 - Bass, Choirs
Mister Baffo - Vocals, Stage Dance

sunt geni(t)ali
dovada piesa epica: Power Of The Power (Of The Great Sword)

album nou:
Into Gay Pride Ride (se poate downolada FrEE aici)
ar trebui adusi la Silver Church, au cintat peste tot in zona, Sofia, Zagreb, why not Bucharest..
thx, Attila ! :-) enlaughtened my evening !

setlist Ozzy Osbourne Bucuresti 2.10.2010

si s-a terminat sezonul...si sa se termine si cu Zone Arena, ca mi-a nenorocit concerte anul asta, si-acum era si frig si Ciucul nu ajuta, si moronul de ozzy care arunca cu paa si spuma pe public, gee, how moronic is that ? Unii si plecau din cauza asta, all wet...
1.Bark at the Moon

2.Let Me Hear You Scream
3.Mr. Crowley
4.I Don't Know
5.Fairies Wear Boots (Black Sabbath)
6.Suicide Solution
7.Road to Nowhere

8.War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
Band presentation
9.Shot in the Dark
10.Rat Salad Guitar & Drum Solos
11.Iron Man (Black Sabbath)
12.Killer of Giants
13.I Don't Want to Change the World
14.Crazy Train
15.Mama, I'm Coming Home
16.Paranoid (Black Sabbath)

sâmbătă, 2 octombrie 2010

Piesa zilei (2.10.10): Ozzy-Ferries Wear Boots !

Fairies Wear Boots (Black Sabbath) live in Bucharest !

Ozzy buna...

in timp ce eu ma uit la Alice Cooper metting Meatloaf (Roadie, will be back on this one),
Ozzica a aterizat la Buc. si cica merge la Anetena 1 la stiri.
Well, black rain to ya, and to all of us..
dar dupa cum semna textul la city fm cind mi-au dat acreditarea,
Ozzy buna!
Good one, I'm gonna use it...

gone now to the gig !
“Ferrries wear boots and you gotta believe me …I saw it I saw it with my own two eyes”

Concurs foto-part 8: Alimentara...

shi Bacanie...
de la Sibiu de asta vara, roti de cascaval de butaforie...

puteti vota aici