miercuri, 29 ianuarie 2025

La traque (1975)

La Traque / The track (1975) is an excellent french thriller with psychological and social touches, it can be included in the pre-survival horror genre. A riff on the Most Dangerous Game meets La regle du jeu with a bit of Straw Dogs..

The social / class commentary  (la bourgeoisie de la campagne/province), and the solid acting by some of the best French actors of that time (Jean Paul Marielle, Michel Lonsdale, Philippe Leotard, Jean-Luc Bideau, Michel Constantin), the presence of American Mimsy Farmer (in lots of giallos in Italy at that period) , the atmosphere (no music except the opening and end credits), the time unity (all almost in real time, one day) and the great photography by Claude Renoir ! make this one of the most interesting films of this kind of the seventies. An unknown gem ! Considered to be the best Serge Leroy film. 

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