duminică, 19 iunie 2011

Suck (2009)

of course coming from The Coop: I am the spider, acum e Dracula, cel putin pare machiat si frezat ca Gary Oldman in varianta Coppola !
Suck e o parodie si comedie horror/muzical despre o trupa rock cam lame, The Winners, canadiana, a carui basista (Jennifer Pare) e muscata de un vampir (Queeny, Dimitri Coates, vocalul de la trupa Burning Brides). Liderul trupei (Rob Stefaniuk) si fostul ei iubit devine, din ce in ce mai disperat in timp ce trupa continua turneul si devine din ce in ce mai faimoasa si mai...singeroasa.

Film de vazut cu prieteni, dar l-am vazut solo, cu o sticla de Bordeaux (red substitute 4 blood)
Suck also features lots of cool dudes except Alice Cooper: Malcolm McDowell (Eddie Van...Helsing !!!), Iggy Pop, Dave Foley, Moby, Henry Rollins si Alex Lifeson de la Rush.
3 din 5, 6 din 10.
potential de revionare etilica garantat !!!

soundtrack: muzica de John Kastner
I'm coming to get you - The Winners (adica Rob Stefaniuk & friends)
Going Nowhere - The Winners
The Fool - The Winners
So Close it Hurts - The Winners
Suck - The Winners
Take it - The Winners
This is your brain on drugs - The Winners
Along Came The Spider - Alice Cooper
Here comes the night - David Bowie
Oh! Sweet nuthin - The Velvet Underground
Success - Iggy Pop
Sympathy For The Devil - Styrofoam Bible
T.V.Eye - The Stooges
You Raised a Vampire - The Moog
Crossroads - Robert Johnson
Bright City - Groovy Religion
420 Ganja Song
Kidd Rasta & The Peacemakers
Flesh and Bone - Burning Brides
Goes Further - Burning Brides
Old Emotions - Spoons
Let You Down - Tin Star Orphans
May Go Round - Spiral Beach
Same old place - Blue Peter

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