Recent Argento, dupa duda cu Dracula 3D din 2012, a regizat pe scena. opera Macbeth de Verdi, inregistare care ar fi available pe blu-ray cu 40 de euro.
Dar il maestro nu se lasa batut via il cinema !
Noul sau proiect se numeste THE SANDMAN (fara legatura cu Neil Gaiman, dar creditat lui E.T.A. Hoffman), si il are in rolul principal pe nimeni altul decit...Iggy Pop !!!!
Se cauta finantare privata si o campanie pe indiegogo si-a reusit target-ul.
Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Lend us your… eyes -- while you still have them, that is -- and look over our Indiegogo campaign, to ensure that The Maestro (of Terror), Dario Argento, and The Godfather (of Punk) Iggy Pop have free reign to make this next horror film a true masterpiece for the ages!
Beware The Sandman!
Going back to the dark, original German legend: the REAL Sandman was someone who stole the eyes of any children that wouldn’t just close them and go to sleep... he'd then go feed them to his hungry children on the moon. How's that for a bedtime story? To share this tale in a contemporary way that only Dario Argento can offer, we've carefully crafted a script like none other.

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