marți, 8 septembrie 2015

LMA Brian De Palma, premiu aniversar si documentar despre el la Venetia & retrospectiva la Cinemateca Brasov

Miercuri 9 septembrie Brian De Palma va premi un premiu pentru intreaga cariera la festivalul de la Venetia. anume "Jaeger-LeCoultre Glory to the Filmmaker". Tot acum un documentar despre el intitulat "De Palma" si regizat de tinerii cineasti Noah Baumbah si Jake Paltrow, ofera o retrospectiva a carierei unuia din cei mai iconoclasti regizori din istoria cinematografului. Brian De Palma implineste 75 de ani pe 11 spetembrie (dopplegangerul sau italian, Dario Argento a implnit aceiasi virsta pe 7 sept a.c.). Festivalul de la Venetia a prezentat de-a lungul timpului 7 filme de BDP, si a premiat cu Leul de Argint in 2007 controversatul (in SUA) Redacted. Acum proiecteaza Blow Out si Scarface !

"The child of an artistic era (the '70's) full of innovative ferment, Brian De Palma has made a name for himself as one of the most skillful directors in constructing perfect narrative mechanics with great creative freedom, experimenting with new technical solutions, rejecting the classic rules of the language, abandoning himself to aesthetic virtuosity, and celebrating his favorite authors. When watching a movie by Brian De Palma, we revert to being basic spectators. Although our eyes are wide open to avoid falling into the trap, we know full well we’re bound to fall into it anyway."
Alberto Barbera, Directorul Festivalului de la Venetia

Noi il aniversam la Cinemateca Patria, Brasov cu Snake Eyes (5 sept.0 Raising Cain (8 sept.), Scarface (12 sept) si The Untouchables (12 sept).

De Mented, De Ranged, De Ceptive, De Palma

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