am aflat aseara in timp ce beam aquavit norvegian LINIE si discutam despre Seduced and Abandoned si persabilitatea cinematografului...Ray Manzarek, keyboardistul de la Doors, s-a dus si el, avea 74 de ani. I-a supravietuit lui Morrison 41 de ani, da....a murit de caner biliar. in Germania. La inceputul anilor nouazeci am cumparta pe caseta varianta lui la Carmina Burana, exquisite. Nu stiu cum se face dar de fiecare data cind sunt la Cannes moare un muzician, Dio in 2010. si anul trecut Donna Summer, si Robin Gibb, acum Manzarek.
tribut in The Telegraph
si the Australian

"We thought we could actually change the world — to make it a more Christian, Islamic, Judaic, Buddhist, Hindu, loving world. We thought we could. The children of the ’50s post-war generation were actually in love with life and had opened the doors of perception. And we were in love with being alive and wanted to spread that love around the planet and make peace, love and harmony prevail upon earth, while getting stoned, dancing madly and having as much sex as you could possibly have.”

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