Muzica seamana cu Morricone, cu un pic de Ortolani, dar e Jacques Loussier, si QT a folosit-o in Inglorious Basterds
Eroul (anti-eroul ?) din film este ROD TAYLOR, unul din primii actori carora le-am stiut numele in copilarie ! Tough guy, aussie too ! Masina timpului, Pasarile, Duminica la new York ! Si e primul Mare disparut pe 2015 :( in movieland ! Australianul cu ochi albastri avea 84 de ani si a plecat definitiv cu Masina timpului pe 7 ianuarie 2015.
Azi daca ma intrebi, rolul meu preferat al lui Rod Taylor e definetly Dark of the Sun, si in 36 Hours, un thriller alb-negru halucinant scris de Roald Dahl !, in care joaca alaturi de recent disparutul James Garner, si de comeback, rifful australian din Welcome to Woop Woop (1997)! Tarantino, megafan al lui Dark of the Son, i-a oferit un ultim rol minunat, in Inglourious Basterds, anume cel al lui Winston Churchill !
*interviu cu Taylor despre QT aici
Dincolo de George Pal, Cardiff, Hitchcock, John Ford, John Huston, Taylor a jucat in Zabriskie Point al lui Antonioni !!! A jucat cu John Wayne in The Train Robbers (1973). Un interviu din epoca il descria: The Last of the Hollywood Hellraisers. Parerea mea e ca taylor a fosdt Australianul hellraiser nr. 2 din Hollywood, dupa the original Oz hellraiser, mr.Errol Flynn.
Not seen yet by me, Gli Eroi (1973), al lui Duccio Tessari, cu Rod Steiger.
Not seen yet by me, Fate is the Hunter (1964) Mystery Thriller alaturi de Glenn Ford, regizat de Ralph Nelson (care se gaseste integral pe youtube)
Interviu cu Rod Taylor (la min 6,20 vb despre Orson Welles !)
necrolog in Variety
site oficial:
ON JAMES BOND: Producer Cubby Broccoli wanted me to screen test for James Bond when he was preparing "Dr. No" in 1961. I refused because I thought it was beneath me. I didn't think Bond would be successful in the movies. That was one of the greatest mistakes of my career! Every time a new Bond picture became a smash hit, I tore out my hair. Cubby and I have laughed about it ever since.
- Rod Taylor, interviewed in Starlog magazine, July 1986
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