Legendary Brazilian fottballer Pele made a single film in his career,but whaaat a film! It's called VICTORY or Escape to Victory (1981), a WW2 film directed by none other than John Huston, starring Stallone, Michael Caine and https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083284/?ref_=nm_knf_t_1Max von Sydow. Pele makes a legendary fork in the film
and all my schoolmates were obsessed with that scene so they went to the cinema to see it again and again...One of the few fun films in early 80's communist Romania, translated as DRUMUL spre Victorie. Also weirdly enough,the film which is the sports (football) Great Escape was shot in another communist caountry,Hungary. Pele died on Dec. 29th 2022,he was 82....
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