am ajuns cu bine, si n-am facut nimci extraordinar decit sa ma plimb un pic. Tot orasul se pregatea de fiesta care incepe acum. Sir Rid-ley nu vine , ca s-a operat la genunchi, poate-mi spunea si mie cineva...
jurnalul lui Ebert povesteste despre Cannes-ul de acum 50 de ani
despre acum 50 ani:
In my Illinois home town, I was able to see all 12 of the films listed above in 35mm, on a big screen.
My friend Richard Corliss thought the 2009 Cannes festival was the best in its history.
me: In my history, yes it was.
We of the critical corps will begin every day at the 8:30 a.m. press screening and see each other again three or four movies later. We will jam the press conferences. You will be able to read hundreds of thousands of Cannes reports, all with the subtext, "Man, am I happy to be here." It will be a fabulous 10 days.
good, ol' Ebert !
Cannes we salute you!
jurnalul meu de Cannes detaliat va fi pe, cind se posteaza am sa pun linkul aici, am trimis primul raport, despre venire...
acum ma grabesc la a doua vizionare la Robin Hood, pt ca pe prima de la zece dim. am ratat-o , situl festivalului nu-mi permitea sa vad ora proiectiilor de presa...
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