T 4 se intimpla in 2018 (jocul pt Xbox se intimpla in 2016!), ca sa mai poata adauga story pina in 2029 cind John Connor se naste..din gresala ! Skynet si robotii sai indestructibili au incercat deja de enshpe mii de ori sa-l ucida pe John Connor (si in Tv series episod de episod), si te miri de ce sunt atit de stingaci in executie cind au toate avantajele. Filmul are un look de war movie, Irak meets BHDown, Bale e intens si Michale Ironside, cu cicatrice apare ca lider al rezistentei pe un submarin. Dedicat lui Stan Winston !

poate in the D-Box Motion Code experience, in care se misca scaunele o fi mai dinamic...dar asta puteti exermineta cu 6 D la Liberty la Light in ride-ul lor, cu ochelari, nice toy but no movieland !
iaca ce zice cine a dat 18 $ pt experienta:
At times I found the seats to be a little distracting, but that could have been due to my having already seen the film. I also found it a little extraneous to have the seats vibrate with certain sound effects, such as machine gun rattling, and I really could do without the seats shaking in time with the percussion of the Terminator theme. That said, I wish everyone could experience motion seats during the much-lauded "single-shot" first-person POV helicopter crash. The chase sequence with the Terminator motorcycles was pretty fun, too.

oricum mi-a facut pofta sa ma uit la T3: Rise of the machines, al carui dvd nu l-am vazut inca, am vazut filmul doar in cinema cind a iesit !
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