marți, 23 iunie 2009

Things are Tough All Over (1982)

sau Cheech & Chong's Things are Tough All Over, al treilea film cu Tommy Chong si Cheech Marin, dupa succesul lor cu Up in Smoke din 1978, Cheech & Chong's Next Movie (1980) si Nice Dreams (1981).
Singurul film regizat de Thomas K. Avildsen, editorul la filmele C& C dinainte si la Corsican Bros. dupa !! Film de criza, da, C & C sunt unemployed, nu s-ar mai putea facea azi din cauza sterotipurilor arabe that ruled the 80's, most funny in Into the Night unde John Landis juca un arab cu instincte ucigase incontrolabile, sau teroristii cu plutoniu din Back to the Future !!

inceputul are strange similitudes cu True Romance (Chong: [on several cups of coffee, driving] It was Rock 'n Roll that killed Elvis, man!) si peyotele si cu Domino , nu vreau sa zic ca Tarantino a ciordit si de aici, unele similitudini si cu Big Lebowski, vezi cronica de pe e-critic care zice ca e cea mai buna comedie cu Cheech si Chong, I totally agree, plus ca nu e numai drug humor, are si accente de comedie pura, si road movie, si sex (the fifis, frantuzoaicele, de fapt ladies C & C in viata reala, Ricky & Shelby, ele reapar in Corsican Bros. si alte C& C's dinainte), si toilet humor si people in drag !

dar mai cool sunt ei ca Sleyman si Habib, totally priceless, "hair piece, thank you very nice, old-timing man, goat breath, camel this & that"

[the two arabs debating whether they are lost or not while climbing a hill]
Prince Habib: I say we are lost.
Mr. Slyman: We ar not lost. We are Arabs. Lost is when you don't know where you are going.
Prince Habib: Well that is the point, where are we going?
Mr. Slyman: We are going uphill.
Prince Habib: Well, at least when we get to the top, we will know exactly where we are. (the two are now at the top, looking around them, but only see more hills)
Mr. Slyman: You are right, Now I know exactly where we are.
Prince Habib: You do?
Mr. Slyman: Yes. We are in the middle of fucking nowhere! Where is the road? Ah, those two guys!
Prince Habib: Yes, it was those two guys. They have stolen the road too!
Mr. Slyman: Now I am sure of it.
Prince Habib: You are sure of what?
Mr. Slyman: That our mother messed around with a goat herder.
Prince Habib: Nooo!

tot filmul e pus pe youtube starting here:

vazut cu my buddy Marius la Brasov, alb negru in 1988 sau 1987, revazut in 1989, film cult pt noi atunci, mai ales episodul in care ei cintau in clubul Meka si toate fazele cu arabii Habib si Slyman, dar nu l-am mai vazut de 20 de ani, si dvdul de la AC statea la mine pe raft de mai bine de un an, pt o seara ploioasa like this was great...
DVD no extras, nada...
7 din 10, 3 1/2 din 5

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