Daca am luat tzeapa la episodul unu, THE LONG BRIGHT DARK, si nu mi-am adus aminte de discurile Uncut de acum 10 ani (ma refer la piesa de generic, cu The Handsome Family-Far from Any Road), thx. Munsun 4 both, si nu o stiam nici pe cea de pe genericul final, The Black Angels, cu Young Men Dead...in fine muzica e facuta (si produsa) de T. Bone Burnett...
acum, la episodul 2, SEEING THINGS, am mai avut ceva feeling la citeva.
piesele din ep. 2 aici, anuntate, pe situl HBO.
John Lee Hooker are 2 piese, Unfriendly Women si One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer..
Steve Earle -l-am banuit :), Meet Me in the Allyway, de pe albumul din 2011, I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive

si de final si pe generic,
13th Floor Elevators (Roky Erickson), la care mi-am ciulit urechile cel mai tare, ca am recunoscut sound-ul bizar si am un disc cu ei, Kingdom of Heaven
despre cine e Vashti Bunyan (The Train Song) aflu ca e o negresa care a inregistrat piesa asta elegiaca in 1966.
Iar pe Cuff The Duke (If I Live or Die) va las sa-i descoperiti de aici:
cit despre “ The King in Yellow” si semnificatia celor din caietul jurnal iata:
Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa
Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies,
But stranger still is Lost Carcosa
–Cassilda’s Song in “The King in Yellow” Act 1, Scene 2. from Robert W. Chambers’s anthology “The King in Yellow” (1895).
Det. Rust Cohle rifled through the diary of murder victim Dora Lange (...) On its pages Dora had scribbled a portion of the stanzas above, along with the name “The Yellow King.”
“The King in Yellow” is a horror anthology written by Robert W. Chambers and published in 1895. The supernatural stories, and the characters within, are linked by a mysterious play, “The King in Yellow.” Chambers only hints at the content of the play but when a character reads it he or she is driven insane with visions of a King in Yellow.
Permeating each of Chambers’ stories is the sublime dread of un-seeable and un-knowable terror. By reading “The King in Yellow,” a person glimpses some unspeakable truth behind existence, one that the human mind can’t process. It is no surprise, then, that “The King in Yellow” influenced horror writer H.P. Lovecraft whose “cosmic horror” mythology explores similar themes of humanity adrift in an ancient, disinterested and incomprehensible gulf.
de aici cu multumiri :)
the plot thickens, episodul 3, THE LOCKED ROOM, nu a avut decit muzica atmosferica si incidentala
ar iata un interviu cu T. Bone Burnett, producatorul soundtrackului si compozitor, despre show si alegerea pieselor.
O sa mai auziti niste Beefhart si niste Grinderman...
Just be careful: 'There's A Monster At The End Of It'
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