an English version of La Piscine meets the beginning of the Sexy Beast (thesetting of the Spanish villa, the pool)
the only worthy ingredient: The Igg, Mr. Iggy Pop. Iggy is Bill, a rock star who is half-blind and chases rabbits. His young and almost always naked wife (whose great talent is how she swims), Kasey Clarke, is a little promiscuous and screws with the boy who cleans the pool - Antonio Magro / another cliché. The former boyfriend Ben Lamb also appears. Iggy can not act too much, and he does not have much to do with what he got. As the Guardian says,
"Unfortunately, it also demonstrates his pronounced limitations as an actor, even when playing a variant on himself."
Toby Tobias's movie (a podcast with him here) is mediocre at best, and if you want to see a rock star on an island and a pool, you see A Bigger Splash, one of my favorites from last year. 2 out of 5, 4 out of 10.

a lesser bigger splash...Blood Orange.
o versiune engleza la La Piscine meets inceputul la Sexy Beast (mai mult settingul vilei spaniole)
singurul ingredient meritoriu: The Igg, mr. Iggy Pop. Iggy este Bill, un rock star apoape orb, care vineaza iepuri . Nevasta sa tinara si mereu goala (are carei talent major e cum inoata), Kasey Clarke, e cam promiscua si si-o trage cu baiatul care curata piscina -Antonio Magro/ alt cliseu. Apare si fostul iubit-Ben Lamb. Iggy nu prea poate sa joace, si nici nu prea are cu ce. Dupa cum zice The Guardian,
Unfortunately, it also demonstrates his pronounced limitations as an actor, even when playing a variant on himself.
Filmul lui Toby Tobias (un podcast cu el aici) e medicocru at best, si daca vreti sa vedeti un rock star pe o insula si o piscina, vedeti A Bigger Splash, unul din favoritele mele de anul trecut.
2 din 5, 4 din 10.
on the end credits, Tim Arnold's song Money Kills Love, its credited neither to Iggy but found a version on youtube that says so. my shazam and soundhound says it's Tim Arnold, whose other song is The Devil's Interval -theme of Blood Orange-with sax and piano, a cool one but instrumental, using the musical interval that Lygeti used and Kubrick put it in Eyes Wide Shut.

a lesser bigger splash...Blood Orange.
o versiune engleza la La Piscine meets inceputul la Sexy Beast (mai mult settingul vilei spaniole)
singurul ingredient meritoriu: The Igg, mr. Iggy Pop. Iggy este Bill, un rock star apoape orb, care vineaza iepuri . Nevasta sa tinara si mereu goala (are carei talent major e cum inoata), Kasey Clarke, e cam promiscua si si-o trage cu baiatul care curata piscina -Antonio Magro/ alt cliseu. Apare si fostul iubit-Ben Lamb. Iggy nu prea poate sa joace, si nici nu prea are cu ce. Dupa cum zice The Guardian,
Unfortunately, it also demonstrates his pronounced limitations as an actor, even when playing a variant on himself.
Filmul lui Toby Tobias (un podcast cu el aici) e medicocru at best, si daca vreti sa vedeti un rock star pe o insula si o piscina, vedeti A Bigger Splash, unul din favoritele mele de anul trecut.
2 din 5, 4 din 10.
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