Bordwell are dreptate, necroloagele-ogurile au fost classy, dar de-a lungul timpului Lumet a devenit clasic pentru ca a rezistat, a supravietuit, a continuat. A journeyman indeed, dar Long Day’s Journey into Night :). De exemplu am vazut acum The Last Mobile Hot Shots (1970), dupa o piesa de Tennessee Williams, scenariu de Gore Vidal, cu un extrem de unsual James Coburn. Dar e un curio si cam atit ! Am fost mereu dezamagit de The Hill/Colina (1966), un film pe care tatal meu il idoliza (imagine in schimb brici !). Dar ramin timeless The Pawnbroker si The Offence si Prince of the City, filme de care lumea, chiar si cea educat cinefila, nu are habar.

sau Verdictul, un superb film si un superb rol pentru Newman !
iata cum incepe prezentarea de pe imdb:
Though not as consistent as Martin Scorsese or Stanley Kubrick, Sidney Lumet is nevertheless a master of cinema.
De ce simt cumva o contatie negativa ? Exista o unica comparatie Lumet/Kubrick, Fail-sSafe vs. Dr. Strangelove si e urita povestea si ce i-a facut Kubrick lui Lumet pentru ca versiunea serioasa a povestii (anume fail-Safe, a sa fiind parodica,sa nu-l concureze ! Dar despre caracterul lui Kubrick intrebati-l mai bine pe Kirk Douglas :->
Oricum Lumet trebuie comparat cu generatia lui de regizori, colegii care au inceput in televiziune (anii '50, anii de aur, inceputul absolut, pe Coasta de Est, cu live shows, black and white), si s-au mutat in cinema. Dupa cum ii mentioneaza David Bordwell: John Frankenheimer, Martin Ritt, Richard Lester, Franklin J. Schaffner.
[they] won big projects early on, but they also faded faster. As they were moving out of the game in the 1970s and 1980s, Lumet was getting his second wind. He ground movies out–good, so-so, or wretched–like a contract director of the studio days. Sometimes he had a strong stretch, as in the early 1980s, and sometimes not. He started in his early thirties with Jean Vigo’s cameraman Boris Kaufman, shooting crystalline black and white. At the end he was making a feature in high-definition video. care sunt mindru ca am vazut-o la cinema in Franta. Da, e vorba de Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007), si in care a fost comparat cu Oliver Stone si Tarantino, fiecare pe rind care ar fi putut sa-i fie fii sau nepoti !
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