Salma Hayek's Oh-No-He-Didn't Face
The most priceless cut-away of the night had to be Salma Hayek's look of stunned disapproval after Sacha Baron Cohen's off-color joke about the recession hitting celebrities: ''Even Madonna has had to get rid of one of her personal assistants. Our thoughts go out to you, Guy Ritchie.'' Why they cut to Salma, we'll never know. Careful viewers may also have spotted Drew Barrymore laughing her head off in the background.
din Entertainmentv Weekly
am scris despre ele in Sapte Seri,
m-am bucurat imens pentru Mickster & the Boss, si ma asteptam la Heath Ledger si la Slumdog M, tv-urile nu ma intereseaza, ok pt Colin in In Bruges dar actor bun tot nu e,
lumea zice ca nu era racit ci coke-uit
Happygolucky n-are decit, io nu vad, am vazut juma de Revolutionary Road si m-a scos din sarite (acum am vazut tot si e ok), The Wresler e good dar nu so good incit isteria hypeului sa-l aduca pe locul 59 (for now) imdb, e un rocky whitetrash si ok directed by Aronofsky !
Spielberg=Cecil B. De Mille, sure, I'm waiting for my close-up !
tribut si intro de Marty Scorsese
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