joi, 29 ianuarie 2009

The Thing prequel !

bine ca inca nu se face sequelul , dar give'm time si or sa beleasca tot ! Cu toate astea suna destul de interesant ! Matthijs Van Heijningen e atasat la proiectul lui Zack Snyder "Army of the Dead" cu zombi !

Variety confirms that commercials director Matthijs Van Heijningen has been hired by Universal to helm a prequel to John Carpenter's The Thing.

The story is set at the icy Norwegian camp where the shape-shifting "thing" from another world is discovered, revived and set loose on the men. These are, of course, the events that went down before Carpenter's '82 take on John Campbell Jr's. "Who Goes There?" Battlestar Galactica's Ron Moore is still on board to script. He was attached some time ago.

mai interesant e ca nu mai departe de marti am vazut clipul piesei Zombie Zombie, Driving Clip, facut de 2 francezi in animatie stopmotion, dedicat filmului THE THING

zice un comentator: "this is so great, my eyeballs just grew dicks !"

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