Si eram toti foarte nedumeriti, cum se pronunta Mötley Crüe ???? Am aflat acum dintr-un interviu al lui Vince Neil pentru vanity fair, sub titlul intelectual:
Motley Crue's Vince Neil is Finally Bored With Boobs!
Interviewatorul, cu nume de Spinal Tap (umlauted too), Eric Spitznagel, este megafunny si intrebarile sunt mai bune ca raspunsurile...iar cind Neil zice ca au cintat in fiecare tzara din Europa in turul care tocmai s-a incheiat, ne ignora ca popor si who can blame them !Anyway, eu trebuia sa fiu in Kavarna la Concert in iunie si nu la B'estfestin est, dar bummer de neshansa...iar pe Crüe
i-am vazut in 1991 pe Nep stadium in Budapesta, quite a sight ! And what a hair (band) ! Inainte de Metallica betzi si out of tune ! Si de AC/DC care erau headlineri ! Si dupa Queensryche, alti umlautzi ! My first major gig ! ca Herkemer Homolka, freed from the chains of Ceausescu !
E si acum misterul dezlegat:
Motörhead does fine with one umlaut. Aren’t you just being greedy ?
When we came up with the name, we didn’t even know what umlauts were. I can remember it like it was yesterday. We were drinking Löwenbräu, and when we decided to call ourselves Mötley Crüe, we put some umlauts in there because we thought it made us look European. We had no idea that it was a pronunciation thing. When we finally went to Germany, the crowds were chanting, “Mutley Cruh! Mutley Cruh! “ We couldn’t figure out why the fuck they were doing that.
Mutley Cruh!, motherfucker-s of the Year ! normal ca mi-am pus sa ascultat "Decade of Decadence", Live Wire ! si Saints of LOs Angeles!! Yeah! the dirt !!!!! Si primul (corect ar fi sa zic urmatorul) Löwenbräu li-l dedic ! Cu sau fara umlaut ! La pet sau la cutie ! ca la sticla nu e in Romania dupa cum n-au fost nici Vince, Tommy, Nikki & co (adica Mick Mars) !!!!!!
i should be committed /but being so twisted
'cus everyone knows /i'm just another psycho
i went to the doctor /it wasn't a shocker
when he said i should know /i'm just another psycho
(rich one too):->
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