Blake e unul din regizorii mei preferati, care mi-au incintat copilaria si ma incinta si acum, autorul filmelor mele preferate, The Party, S.O.B. si seria cu Pantera Roz, The Great Race, What did you do in the war, Daddy ?, The Wild Rovers...
A murit miercuri seara in Santa Monica, avea 88 de ani.
imdb obituary aici
am scris depre filmul sau Experiment in Terror recent (acum o luna) aici
si spuneam:
Blake Edwards e unul din cei mai underrated regizori din anii '60-'70. Multi il stiu doar datorita comediilor sale, colaborarile cu Peter Sellers (The Party si Pantera Roz)
si Marea Cursa. Filmul meu prefeat al sau este insa S.O.B., o satira la adresa Hollywoodului, citat in Big Lebowski de fratii Coen. Dar Blake Edwards a facut filme extrem de serioase, in diverse genuri, extrem de versatil: western-The Wild Rovers, drama despre alcoolism-Days of Wine and Roses, muzical-Victor/Victoria, thriller-Peter Gunn, The Carey Treatment, The Tamarind Seed si poate most famously Breakfast at Tiffany's.

un articol din DGA Quaterly de vara trecuta dedicat lui, excelent profil numit Blake Edwards: Old school
am vazut in direct cum a primit Oscarul omagial in 2004, si gagul sau cu scaunul cu rotile> acesta e omul care a pus pe Marea Cursa citatul “For Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy”, eroii sai absoluti.

“I don’t feel laughter like I used to. I don’t know whether it’s the material or me becoming older and more grouchy. But for me, it just isn’t that funny most of the time. I find it extra cruel, even beyond the man and the streetcar I described. I think we’ve lost sight of some of the subtle humor. Doctors acknowledge that laughter is great medicine, and for me lately there’s too little of that [in movies]. But,there’s always Stan and Ollie.”
mi-am schimbat programul de vizionare si am pus in dvd The Great Race ! For mr. Blake and mr. Edwards !
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