With the season finale of The Walking Dead coming this weekend and the show now firmly established as a huge rating success story - the show is the highest rated property ever to come from AMC - head honcho Frank Darabont has decided that what he needs to do to prepare for Season Two is to fire the entire writing staff. And, potentially, replace them with nobody (...) Word is that he intends to use freelancers when needed instead, and if he's going to continue having direct involvement in the writing process himself then that should be all that's really needed to maintain continuity.
si netul s-a cutremurat :)
mai multe amanunte aici...

iar aici se fac comparatii intre TWD si Lost...I'm all lost, astept episoul final de sezon unu, TS-19 duminica
+ sa nu uitam ca cel mai slab episod (#4, destul de unanime parerile, anume VATOS) a fost scris de Robert Kirkman, autorul comic-ului original. Si el a schimbat story-ul cu unul care nu e in carte. Iar Darabont a scris si rescris la greu. Si el e in charge. Iar sezonul 2, on the way, va avea 13 episoade, so get prepared 4 survival !
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