acum, ca poate articolul din hollywood reporter e provocator si mistificator, se poate. Pe cit de provocator si mistificator e Zero Dark Thirty (chiar asa l-au impuscat pe Bin Laden, si era oare el ?), sau Argo (chiar asa i-au scos pe americani din Iran ?) sau chiar Amour (chiar asa e dragostea senectutii ? si porumbeii nu erau de la John Woo...)

am aflat de el via Anca (thx) si vad ca l-a preluat si cinemagia, easier there explained in Romanian decit in my Ronglish...
este confesiunea unui membru al breslei (guild) regizorale, unul din cei 371 de votanti din aceasta breasala din AMPAS (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, institutia care da Oscacarurile) pare ca numai piesa Adelei e in unanimitate :)
in alta ordine de idei, Zero Dark Thirty a intrat de ieri in cinema, si acolo si merita vazut :), si sincer, e un film mai bun cinematografic vorbind, decit Argo, si cel putin la fel de mistificator, dar mai bine facut -si da, Bigelow ar fi meritat mai mult acum un premiu decit pentru Hurt Locker, dar sa nu uitam ca ea nu e nominalizata)
Toate nominalizarile la Oscar 85 rebranduit ca The Oscars 2013 aici !
"I’ve seen all of the nominees at official Academy screenings held over the past few weeks. You go into that theater, you sit there, you look around, and you just hope that there’s an ambulance outside because a lot of the members in attendance must have aged out of AARP at this point. I really wonder if these people are going to vote for Amour, because they’re really looking at themselves and they’ve gotta be saying, 'This is what’s in my future? This is f---ing depressing.' It’s depressing for people who are dying and for people who have to take care of people who are dying. It’s like, who needs that shit? I personally didn’t care for it."
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